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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Holy Poop, What A Day
Today is the Area Manager Inspection (see last post for details) So I get to school and I have to get my sister (Thank you Sam) to sew on my button so I can wear my leadership agulette. She does that and then tossed me a couple cough drops and then I was on my way to ROTC. Of course I'm a little bit nervous because I asked 'K' out yesterday she said she'd think about it. So pretty much all of AMI and lunch was us giving each other the awkward I dont know what to say looks, And I got tired of that so I broke the silence with a simple "Hi" she returned the favor and she loosened up. Nowunfortunately I wasn't allowed to skip 3rd block so I had to go to Drivers Ed, Now I'm an ok driver and so Is my friend but the 3rd guy the "gay guy" just sucks at driving, we almost crashed twice while he was driving, but I'm still alive so I can't complain.

And Now back to 'K'
Ok so we got back to school just in time for 4th lunch so I grab a strawberry milk and continue down to ROTC of course expecting to see 'K' but not really ready for what was to come next. So I get down trhereand she is talking to 'O',She has her nerf football in her hand so, me trying to make some form of communication, I asked her to toss it here. We passed it around for a while (she really stinks at football) Then (evil music plays in the background) 'T' walks in


'K'- Jenna
'O'- Natasha
'T'- Shawn

Ok so Shawn walks in and immediately starts hitting/hanging on Jenna, and sadly I have no right to be jealous since I'm not going out with her, so that means I cant kick his @$$. So I have to deal with it and all the while she is with Shawn she starts to give me the awkward I dont know what to say glances, she does this for like eleventybillion times, for the next 2 hours... So school ends and then 'K' offers me a ride home...at the time I was thinking (WTF!!! she's got some nerve to flirt with Shawn and then ask me to spend 15 minutes alone in a car with her how awkward and stupid is that) So I decline kindly and head over to my mini van (well my mom's but I drive it) I get in and she sees something is wrong...

Now at this time you can imagine that I'm really really REALLY PISSED!!

I get in the car my mom instantly sees I'm pissed asks me about it I say nothin and say I'll need an hour of me time to get over it (It turned into and hour and 30 minutes) she sighs and we go home.

Me Time- My time alone when I go and blow off steam by working out running or riding my bike.

Now for me time you need the appropriate attire for me time this includes: Red under armor shirt, red gym shorts, my red go fasters (sneakers) + my red helmet and my red bike. (Red has been called my power color)

SO now I'm ready I grab some stuff and a gatorade, I am now ready to blow off some steam, I hopped on my bike and pedaled out 4.7 miles. I arrived on the greenway and began to exhaust myselffor about 45 minutes of pull ups push ups sit ups and dips (now there is more purpose here than you tink by me working out my muscles are now going to swell for the next 30-45 minutes as they try and heal from the murder i just committed on them...) So I head home as fast as possible but instead of turning right at the entrandce to my neighborhod I turn left and head towards Jenna's house. I get to the top of the hilland pull out my "gear" (Axe, mints, and stridex pads) I make myself somewhat pleasing to the 5 senses and speed down the hill towards her house I enter her culdasac and chicken ouut I slowly pedal too the top of the hill beating my self up along the way. NOw I'm up AT the top of the hill and I pull out 2 quarters I flip them like a thousand times before it finally tells me to go back down there, so I do. Now I'm at Jennas door step I ring the door bell and her dogs go nuts but instead of Jenna her little sister answers the door "Hey Havoshinshnitzer" (she says my real last name not this one) She calls Jenna, She appears and I blatantly ASK "So do you have an answer to my question from yesterday" SHe sighs closes the door and sits on her porch steps.
(every time she says michael in real life she says my last name)
"I'm in a bit of a delema", she sighs,"I like you its just well I've liked shawn since freshman year and well he's cute... and well, your cute too!"
I respond, "Eh, what can I say?"
(That Helped a little for her to relax but she was still to tense)
"Michael I've been trying to find a time to talk to you(she offered me a ride home) but I never really had a chance I didnt want to do it during AMI and definatley not during lunch with all those people around..."
Me-"How about right now?"
Jenna-"See you are so cute!"
Me"I know, dont forget humble too"
(She loosened up some more and I was satisfied hat she would be completely honest now)
(It turns out that Shawn said he liked her as well but he still wanted to try and get back with his ex girlfriend, Shawn said to give him a week then he could get back to her)
Me- "OK, well Jenna I just want you to know you're my first chioce ok..."
Jenna-"AAWWW your so cute""Oh crap theres my dad!"
I needed to get the poop out of there so I headed to my bike and said "Hey Jenna I just want you to know No matter what the out come of this is you still owe me six hugs"
Jenna-"Thats true!"
She laughed and went inside Me Time is now officially over so I head home and spend the next 2 hours prettending to do home work while I eat candy and plan on how to win Jenna, I have a week so wish me luck


Wait is 'cute' a good thing???

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