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myOtaku.com: BlackSphinx64

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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kakashi s (10/08/06)

*drool* your Icon is SO FUCKIN AWESOME!!!! it kinda odd though the whole eternal damnnation thing and pink font...lol I dont mind!! oddity is what I likes!!!
well "see" you around!!
Kakashi s

gunblade101 (09/25/06)

kool background! Umm... i dont know what else to say.

stitor456 (08/31/06)

hey nice site adding u as a friend nice bg

crazyboutanime (08/24/06)

I love your site.I hope you can add me as a friend.I've added you.


AndThenIDied (08/20/06)

fanks for signin my syt! :-D yay! i like ur syt! yay im spazzy today! i drank that tab energy drink and it tasted dee-scuuuss-teeeng. >P blegh

nachogurl89 (08/19/06)

hey dude!
i love yr site too, its so sweeet...im adding u as a friend too, kay! :-P later.

dear sweet etna (08/14/06)

Hey nice site and thanx for signing my guestbook and feel free to pm me any time kk.

Black-Death002 (08/14/06)

Hey I'm back! I hope hope ya didn't miss me too much! lol I added you as a friend again so there's nothin to worry about ! lol so cya!

Rufus Fan (08/11/06)

thanx for the add i love helsing we will be good friends ttyl

japangurl (08/11/06)


Your site is sooo AWSOME!!!!!!!!! *laughs* that is alot of blood on your site!!
drawing, writing, reading, fighting, watching anime, singing, being bored!!!,singing, fenching with swords, and learning at school. My best talent is being myself.
Even though I could do with out the school part!!! ^-^

vampires and werewlves are awsome and my ex-boyfriend collects dragon stuff!!! he has a sword,wallpapers everywhere and tons of statues of them hanging on his wall and his computer.....welll you get the piont,I think.......Scryed!!! I love KAZUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry.....anyway i am going to pm you!!! im adding you to friends dont worry!!! *laughs* well i got to go!!!


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