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myOtaku.com: benakittie

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
I like Joey, so I guess it's all right

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Anime Rose Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 06/16/05:

You are Faith! Trying to look on the bright side of
things, you put every ounce of trust in what
you do. Pray every night and keep on being

What Virtue Are You? Nice Pics.
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
...creepy how close these things get...beautiful picture though...*sigh*...

~~~ETETNAL LOVE~~ You're proble having problems going on with life.
You had a girl/guy that dump you, or they past
away. You're still inlove with this person and
it's really destroing your love life. So,a tip
for the wonded,try to get over it. It's better
for you and your ex love would want that for
you to.

LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Yatta!! We Can Do It!!

.:;You are Driven by Determination;:.
Strong-willed and straightforward, you are
always set on your goal. Never wavering and
always vigalant, you know exactly where you're
going. You just need to figure out how to get
Pros of this Drive: You know what you're doing
and what you want. You've got a strong will,
and always have your eyes set on the goal.
Cons of this Drive: You tend to screen others
out, being a bit tactless at times. You believe
that you can do everything yourself. Cool off a
bit, and listen to what others have to say.

~What Drives You to Your Goals?~ *Pics and many results!* (Girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
I love music, that I do. ^__^

You are a MUSIC ANGEL! rock on! you luv music and
dance! i guess you can say that you are the
inspiration to people on your hip themes of
music and dance! go you!

What type of angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
lol cool...

You're doubling in for the perfect hero! You've got
spunk, intelligence, and you care about
everyone! ^_^ Good for you!

Anime Stunt Double (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
*Wolf howl* *smiles* Wolves mate for life...

ur a wolf...u can be scary but sweet on the
inside....u can be alone with the moon as ur
company or with ur pack...ur family

What kind of animal are you
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Samurai ROCK!!


You are a Samurai.
You are full of honour and value respect. You
are not really the stereotypical hero, but you
do fight for good. Just in your own way. For
you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil
person, if it is for justice and peace. You
also don't belive in mourning all the time and
think that once you've hit a bad stage in life
you just have to get up again. It's pointless
to concentrate on emotional pain and better to
just get on with everything. You also are a
down to earth type of person and think before
you act. Impulsive people may annoy you

Main weapon: Sword
Quote: "Always do the right thing.
This will gratify some people and astonish the
rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Now this is more like it. heh heh fire...

What Type Of Goddess Are You?::Female Anime Pics:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Place:
Astrological Sign:
What You Look Like:
What Type Of Goddess Are You:Goddess of Flames
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Looks like that quiz I got vulnerable on. *Sweatdrop*

What Type Of Goddess Are You?::Female Anime Pics:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Place:
Astrological Sign:
What You Look Like:
What Type Of Goddess Are You:Goddess of Light
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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