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quality of being brave: the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen course of action
13th century. From Old French corage , from, ultimately, Latin cor “heart” the source also of English cordial and discord.
courage, bravery, fearlessness, nerve, guts, pluck, mettle,
CORE MEANING: personal resoluteness in the face of danger or difficulties
courage the most general term, indicating fearlessness and determination, whether physical, mental, or moral, against a wide range of difficulties or dangers; bravery a slightly narrower term, emphasizing a lack of physical fear; fearlessness a term similar to bravery, but less commonly used; nerve coolness and steadiness, sometimes with the suggestion of calculated risk-taking; guts a widely used slang term suggesting boldness or fortitude when faced with a difficult or potentially dangerous situation; pluck a dated somewhat formal term similar to guts, suggesting resolution and a willingness to continue struggling against the odds; mettle a somewhat literary term similar to pluck, suggesting spirited determination