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myOtaku.com: bellpickle

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

けけけ...こんにちは! 私は 日本語が 下手くそ ですが、読んで ください! 漢字を ぜんぜん 知りませんが、コンピュターは 私を たすけて 貰います。:3

ビデオを 見ましょう!

DBSKの 最近の インタービューので、これは 一番 好き です! Subtitles が ない ですが、すこし 分かります。 英語で:

Basically, they're asked what the best Japanese food is, and they all have to write the same answer using the exact same characters. And man is it satisfying (in a petty way) to know that, even though the boys converse in Japanese 10000000000x better than I do, they still suck at writing it. I might not be able to hold a conversation for more than two minutes, but AT LEAST I CAN SPELL CURRY!!

*ahem* Anyway... I love Junsu's various "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING" faces. And Yunho's random 「ほんまに??」 And Jaejoong half-whispers the rules of the game because he's ちょう へん like that.

。。。ジェジュンは きれい ですねえ~。 はい、そうです。

。。。。。。じゃあ また ねえ! *runs*

EDIT: I WOULD type in Korean, but the keys are wired up really oddly... for some reason, the S button prompts the ni yeun character. (Which is basically an N, and thus makes no sense. o_O)

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