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Friday, April 1, 2005

Sad news...
I have to leave myOtaku. I wont be able to post, visit, or anything anymore. My site will be gone. I'm sorry. I hope you guys dont miss me too much. I know I'm gonna miss you guys! Theres so much I want to tell you, but I dont have time for it all. Before I go, I want to say one thing though...

April Fools!!! I hope I tricked you guys even though its kinda obvious I was only fooling around. I'm never gonna leave! Its not that easy to get rid of me! ^______^

I still have to come up with my pranks. I'm gonna get my sisters this year, especially my 10-year old sis. She swears shes got the ultimate prank for me, so I have to be ready to retaliate just in case it turns out.

Well, I'm gonna go get my hair done in the morning. I hope it still looks just as good when I go to school on Monday. Thats when our Spring Break ends.

I didnt get to go outside today either. The weather was pretty good, I was just being lazy today. I played a little DDR Max which gave me a little workout ^^

I'll update tomorrow night and tell you how my April Fool's turned out! My older sister has her friend sleeping over so I wont be going to bed anytime soon. Laters!

banner by sai

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rainy Days
Today was pretty boring. I was planning on going outside and maybe jogging a little, but then it got all cloudy and rainy. My sister even said there was like a tornado warning. I'm glad nothing actually happened more than a lot of strong winds. I couldn't go running so I just stayed inside and played video games and stuff.

I really have nothing to post about so I'm gonna reply to some of yesterday's comments. Dont worry, you only have to read yours:

Number 5: Ooo! New theme! Cant wait to see it! Actually, I think it's already been changed. ^_^

Taffetapunk: I hope you read your DN Angel manga soon. You'll like it, well I did.

Rockstarfairychik: Dark is really cute too. I've only gotten through two episodes of DN Angel and I already see that ^_^

CoLoR Me EviL: I loved the Incredibles too! I've watched it like 5 times since yesterday, I'm not obsessed either *twitch* I hope you get to check out the DN Angel anime. Its awesome.

ChloeGrrl: I luv the variety of making themes. I have so many I want to try out!

Jiba: I noticed the new comment boxes. I dont know if I really like them better, but I dont really mind. I loved the super powers in the Incredibles too. It was pretty funny.

Chibicreator: I go to animecrave too! What a coincidence?! I watched D.N. Angel from there. Thats where I saw the Inuyasha movies and Ah! My Goddess. Weird we both happen to watch the same things there 0.o

Master Kyo: You didn't realize I had a DA account. I'm DreamingofYou188 over there ^_^;;

KitsuneTsuki: Hehe, I'm glad you guys got your parents to watch it. It is an awesome movie though. I'm gonna miss this theme too, but I also luv change! ^_^

Well, thats all I have time for right now! Laters!

banner by sai

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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

D.N. Angel!
Nothing much has happened lately. That's why I didn't post.

Yesterday, my older sister left to go back to school and my aunt left for Detroit. Now, the house is quieter. Not by much since there's still 7 of us, but quieter.

On my sister's last night here, we watched The Incredibles on DVD. It was a pretty cool movie! I liked it a lot actually. It was a sweet family thing, but also really funny.

Anyway, to explain my post subject, I watched the first 2 episodes of DN Angel today. It was really cute! Daisuke and Riku are adorable. I luv Dark too! It's a really cool show. I've heard of it a lot, but this is the first time I actually got to check it out.

I'll be changing my theme soon. I already know what its gonna be. My sisters computer has all the good graphic-making stuff on it, but right now, it's being fixed. I'll have to wait like another week before I can actually make all the graphics and stuff. I guess I'll have to wait until then (even though school will have started up again!). Oh well.

Anyway, rather than that, nothing has happened. Today, all I did was play video games, go on the computer, and submit some pictures to my deviantArt (dont worry if you dont know what that is ^^). I'll try to visit more sites in the morning. I didn't get to barely any today. It's 11:00 right now, so probably not until morning.

Well, I'll be seeing you guys laters! Bye! ^___^

banner by sai

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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter!!
Its 1:45 am, but its still technically Easter! I hope you guys have fun today, having egg hunts and eating chocolates and indulging on whatever you gave up for Lent. I gave up chips and soda, my two fav combos. I'm gonna gain weight today after eating so much of them both! I've gone so long without them!!

Anyway, I survived my sister's sleepover! It was a pain though. They were running wild atlike 3 am and then when they were coming upstairs, they somehow broke our banister. I mean, it like fell off the staircase! At first, I thought it was my moms china cabinet because it sounded like glass breaking so I was about to jump in bed and pretend I had no clue so I wouldnt get in trouble, but being the older sister I am, I stepped in and figured out was up. Now my mom wont let us have anymore sleepovers. She has to get the banister fixed now. My little sister was like mouthing off to all of her older sisters (me and the other two older than me). She wanted to act all cool or whatever. I dont want you guys to think I'm a pushover. I've beaten her up on more than one or two occassions, but I let it slide since I didn't want to embarrass her. She can be sooo annoying! Urgh!

Anyway, Sai made me this for my 2000th hit!


Today I went to the mall. I bought some capris, a shirt, and McDonald's (no matter what anyone says, I cant resist a BigMac!).

It's late, I better go! We have Easter mass in the morning! 'Night!

banner by sai

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Thanx everyone for the nice messages yesterday. Actually, I felt much worse then than I do today. When I woke up the next morning, I guess everything didn't seem so bad anymore. I'm really over it all.

My 10-year old sister is having a sleepover right now. She's such a pain. Earlier, I was lying in my bed trying to watch t.v. and she stormed up there and started yelling about me because someone left the PS2 out. For one, I'm always the one who has to remind her to put the video games away. Two, I wasn't even the one who left it there! Then, I was like, "I'm not going to put it away." She like snatched the remote control out of my hand and started yelling at me. I was about to jump up and knock her out, shes always acting like she's older. Urgh! Next time...

Her friends are annoying. Now that they're around, she's trying to act all cool and stuff. She's definitely not. Its really annoying!!! Aaaahhh! I'm going crazy! They think they're so old and cool, keeping everyone up. It's really stupid.

Anyway, like I said earlier, I got my 2000th hit! Yay! Thanx for that!

Well, I hope you guys have a good Spring Break! I'm trying to enjoy mine. Laters!

banner by sai

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Friday, March 25, 2005

Really bummed...
It's finally sunk in that its over (read previous post if you have no clue what I'm talking about). It took me until after school on the bus ride home to realize it. Some guys on my bus that are friends with Parris (my bf's name) asked me why I broke up with him. I didn't want to get into it and one of them was like, "He didn't do anything. She just broke up with him." I didn't say anything since they obviously didn't know the story. Then, I was sitting there thinking and realized that we were broken up after so long and why we had broken up.
My friends told me how sad he looked today. He usually looks really happy and smiley, but today at school I could tell he was really sad. I felt bad for making him feel bad. I mean, what else do I expect though, I did break up with him.
I dont want to talk about him though because now I'm starting to miss him a little...

Rather than that, all I have to say is that Spring Break has officially started. We got an hour off school and tomorrow off (Its technically Thursday for me). Then, we get another week off. Usually, I'm excited about missing school, but after all that's happened this week, not really.

Anyway, I'll see ya guys laters.

P.S. I've almost made it to my 2000 visit. Only a few more people left. When I get there, I'm making a banner for it. Well, laters!

[ Edit ]
I feel much better now that its morning. Last night I felt like shit (mind the language), but now that I got some rest, I dont feel as bad! Thanx for all the comments I've gotten so far!

banner by sai

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Finally over...
I finally broke up with my bf. I guess it was bound to happen soon. I might as well get right to the point.

My friend Laura emailed me about how she always saw him with this other 6th grade girl and how he's always flirting with other girls when I'm not around. It hasn't even been only her either. Well, I told my friend Nancy who made a big deal of it to go and tell my bf abouht how I was even though she didn't say why. Then, my other friends starting asking me, so I was like the news of the day. Then, my bf wrote me this note about "how sorry he was for whatever he'd done" which he for some reason had no clue about. I wrote back and told him what it was and said that if we even wanna be friends anymore, we better break up now. I talked to him a little and I guess it's over.

Kinda weird since it's been sooooooo long. I'm not sad or anything because he wasn't that big of a deal to me, just a good friend. Well, I'm gonna stop boring you guys with that.

Other news, we finished our basketball tournament in gym and our team came 6th outta 8! We rock dont we?! The only reason we've gotten that far was because yesterday, the other team's best player was feeling sick. Oh well, we still weren't last!

Anyway, yesterday, I went to my friend Liz's house to work on our history project. It was fun! I'm not even gonna get into our weird little jokes. It was awesome though. I called my mom to get a ride home afterwards, but my mom was busy and asked me to get Liz's mom to take me. I said I would and for some reason, my little sister never told my mom I was getting a ride, so my mom went to Liz's house to get me when I was already on my way home. Now, my mom's kinda irritable, but I have to go to my other friends house today because we're still not finished with the project! I either won't be going this time or won't be getting a ride from my mom because I dont want her to get mad or something. We'll see I guess.

Anyway, laters!

banner by sai

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Monday, March 21, 2005

Cant wait for Spring Break!
I have still one more week left before our Spring Break. I cant wait!

Today was pretty normal. I got these new dangly earrings (they're so fun to swing around) and I wore them to school. I luv them! ^___^ My trip to the mall yesterday cheered me up from missing the party on Saturday that like everyone went to. I not only got the earrings, but another camisole, 3 Fruits Basket mangas (I havent gotten to get any in a while), and a dance pad for our DDR Max game. It's way harder now! My sister bought this one DVD Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. I was busy doing my math project so I didn't really get to understand most of it. I was a little preoccupied with my work.

I was up late last night reading my new mangas which I absolutely love so far! ^_^

Well, I made this for Naru!! She's finally back after so long! I was waiting for a long time to see her again! It was her birthday and I didn't get to make her anything yesterday so I did today!

I hope she likes it! It has her favorite character, Sailor Hotaru on it! ^__^

Well, Happy Monday! I'm really looking forward to another week of school! *sarcastic* Actually, I dont mind school. It's actually pretty fun! Today was at least.

After our BETA Club meeting (which we kinda missed because we were late) we went into the science room and hung out. The teacher was there so we weren't breaking any rules. My friend Maggie started going through the people in that class' stuff. It was funny at all the stuff she found. Then she just randomly shouted out, "This person has a huge pen!" Then my other friend Liz was like, "I thought she was gonna say something else!" A little inapproatiate right there! Just kidding ^^

I'm kinda hyper so before you guys get annoyed, I'm gonna get going! Laters! *huggles*

banner by sai

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

   Kinda bummed...
I didn't get to go to the party today or go to the movies. My mom was working today so I couldn't go to the party, but I never even got contacted about the movie, so that didn't work out either. That would probably be the only thing I would be doing this weekend, so I'm kinda bummed about it. I was looking forward to the movie and the party. It's always either my moms working, I dont get called, or I do get called and I'm asleep ^_^;; Oh well.

Let's see... FullMetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, and Ghost in the Shell just finished which were all pretty good. At least those were 3 pluses to the weekend. Oh yeah and Gundam SEED too!

My friend asked me which anime movie DVD I would want as a late birthday present. Well, I guess anything but the Inuyasha movies since I've seen them already. I didn't really know what to say. Any suggestions? I wouldn't really mind anything I guess.

Not much to say more than I gotta get to work on my math project and try to get some clarinet practice in too! I spent all today cleaning my little sisters' room. It was like a sty. I did the bookshelf (which was a total disaster) and now it looks sooo organized! I feel so accomplished. There are 3 community service hours right there! ^__^

Anyway, see ya guys tomorrow I guess! Laters!

banner by sai

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Friday, March 18, 2005

I really and truly have nothing to post about. My day was pretty normal. Well in math we had a substitute. For some reason, our music teacher was subbing which was weird 0.o

In history, we were doing our project and was going on the computer. We were trying to look at this script to get ideas for the play we had to write and we accidentally downloaded this program on the computer at school. We tried to delete it before Mr. Pool got there, but he came and saw it. We tried to act all innocent! ^_^

Theres a party tomorrow. These two girls in my class invited like everyone. I dont know if I wanna go. Even if I did, my moms working so I dont know if she could take me. Then, my friends and I wanna go see The Ring 2 tomorrow. I hope it works out. I'll try not to fall asleep this week which has happened like every other time ^_^;;

No more to say. I'm pretty bored right now. I might go and read or something. I'll try to visit some sites too. Well, at least theres Gundam SEED tonight! Yay!


P.S. Garbz, you'd probably be an awesome sister too! Well, even though theres no blood relation, we're still sisters! *hugs* ^^

Oh yeah, Shanny's ok! I'm soooo happy! I was worried about her! A lot of us were! *does a little dance* Shanny's fine! ^^

banner by sai

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