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myOtaku.com: bebop blues

Thursday, September 2, 2004

   I made it!! ^^'

Hi! it's been a while!! sorry! but i've been terribly busy! so...school went by fast this week! ^-^ but I have to go to school for a couple hours tomorrow to finish this thingy...yeah o_O today was ok. nothing really happened in SAS (homeroom thingy) or science...or literature or reading...or in civics...*rolls eyes* or in algebra...but gym was...umm...ok played soccer!! XD with Aubrey, Jessi, Nina, Stephanie and Bryan... T_T and then aubrey and I stayed after school to sort out Ms. Deitz's (science/SAS) little supply room thingy w/ beakers in it...holy crap was it confusing! >_< a load of crap in there! them i went home and read a stroy the Nina wrote!! ^-^ yes...i think i might be able to go to the anime con in Denver w/ aubrey for her bd! MAYBE!! o_o dunno who to be...prpbably summin from azumanga!! ta-ta! have to go noW! bye! ^-^

~Crs!!!!!!! ^-^ sorry 'bout mistakes

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