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myOtaku.com: bbast

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yay for Five day weekends!


So, I have Thursday, Friday and Monday off! Yay! No school! Okay, I've been bad and stayed up into the early morning hours two nights in a row, and am most likely gonna do it again tonight. I don't mean to, but I get caught up on the computer. Like, last night I had an awesome chat with mewmew and the gang, so thank you for inviting me! I'll most likely be on again tonight if you'd like to chat! Buuuuut, this is my first C on my progress report, but it's not my fault (my parents are ticked anyway). See, I was sick last Monday, remember, and then I went in on Tuesday and we had a Pre-Cal test. Now, my teacher didn't tell us until Monday, so I had no idea. But, I had to take it, and I failed it. Like, literally failed it. I got a 66. So, yeah, that brought down my grade, buuut we're doing extra credit tomorrow, so I should be able to bring up my grade pretty easily. Still *shudder* mommy mad is a scary person! Anywho, must type some papers! Later
1)Anyone want to see the movie Happy Feet (with the dancing penguins)?
2)Do you think it would be bad if I made a manga based off my fav book if it's just for fun and I give credit to the author, and maybe even send it to the author if it's any good?.

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