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Friday, November 30, 2007

hiya! ok i have good news, bad news, old news, and new news!
Good news: im over my sickness (walking nemonia, i had to take huge antibiotics >:C), i have two bbally games 2morrow, im getting a new phone as well as a nintendo DS 4 Xmas (my parents dont no what to get me so they take me along to shop^^), and im still with Wes (bf) and very happy!
Bad News: i can only play in 1 bball game 2morrow cuz my coach (my dad) says it would be dimoralizing 4 meh, as well as 2 other teamates. so that sucks. i almost fainted for the 3rd time this last week, i have to get 3 six page essays in by tuesday, and the snow on our hill is melting >. Old News: had walking nemonia, was always sick and very exhausted, and i almost broke my neck last saturday during a game.
New News: my sister is pregnant! and she's due this month within 3 weeks!!! so i'll have a new nephew! Yay! his name's gonna b Chase Weston. isn't that cuteX3
ok im done^^

The 1st one is from randomized05, and she says "lol our school dances r the same thing!! i go there and within the first 10 minutes im BORED!! i just go to socialize basically." i hear ya loud and clear! ok the 2nd one is from Maybe.Memories, and she says "Aw that really sucks! My school dances suck too, that's why I don't go to them unless someone asks haha" lol!

Old Qs
1.)if you could have anything or anyone who or what would u have?
A: what:superpowersX3 Who: the guys of my dreams (duh!)

randomized05: i dont really know, probably....fame ^ ^ ive been wondering about what that would be like.

Maybe.Memories: Hmmm, for the who it would be Christiano Ronaldo and for the what it would be 3 million dollars =D

New Q
1.) Do you like snow?

~Bball BbabeX3
ps-i'll try to get to everyone's post but no promises^^'

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

   School Dance SUCKED BALLS!
Exactly as the title says. my school's dances are soo damn gay! i almost left within the first 5 minutes. but i had to stay because i promised a guy i would go with him. me and my big mouth... on the good side that guy and me are dating^^ i dated him in the past but i had to beak-up with him cuz of my folks (VERY over protective). now im just not going to tell them! BTW:his name's Wes. he was bouncing off the walls when i said yes to the dance. lol! but it bored the hell out of me, but i had an okayish time i guess.
i just got home from Bball practice too. Some of the girls still aren't really working on getting the plays and such down and thats gonna hurt us in the long run...*sighs heavily* and tomorrow we have 2 more games! pray that they go well!
we don't have school for the next week (Thanksgiving and all that). so im gonna catch up on some much needed sleep. yay for sleep!:D ok i think im down now. on to Discussion

the 1st one is from LGA775, and he says "im so glad you guys won...33-12 is very impressive...Im impressed" aww thnx bud! *hugs and gives u candy* k the 2nd one is from Maybe.Memories, and she says "Hey! I've been wondering where you dissapeared to, I missed you" hehe...ya kinda been busy/lazy^^' >_>

Q's & A's
Old Q
1.) What is ur fave ice cream?
A: CAke Batter. sooo good *starts to drool*
2)should i put another story on here?
A:idk. u tell me.
1.)Umm wow thats a good question..Umm vanilla maybe..LOL
2.)Sure you do..Your stories rocks...I love them...

Kry: Peanut Butter

Maybe.Memories:1.)Chocalate Chip Cookie Dough
2.) Sure=]

New Q
if u could have anything or anyone who/what would u have?

Lots of luv!!!
~Bball babe~
*turns into a falcon and flys away*

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Hi peeps! my god! im sorry for not visiting or posting!!! school and home drama and such. i hope somehow u can all forgive me^^'
Anywho, i gots my grades and im not too happy with them (ranges from A-'s to C's). my parents weren't too happy either... thankfully i didn't get chewed out too much. frankly im surprised my mom was more upset then my dad (its freakin weird!). so ya.
umm....what else.... oh! ABA (Amity Basketball Assoicaition) started up^^ *throws confetti* i finally get so show offf my awsome bball skillz!!lol! we had our first 2 games this last saturday. we won both!!! the first game it was 33-12, adn the second game was 31-17. my personal shooting was (1st game) 19 made shots. the 2nd 6....oh well^^ so ya. im REALLY happy about that.
then on the same saturday, i went with my parents to visit fome of their old friends and to go see this speaker (he was funny!!!). on the same night the speaker told the people (im about to get spiritual so if u don't wanna read it skip the paragraph) to throw change on the ground in the front of the church. so we did. then all the people got in a line, and walked acrossed it, while other people were on the sides praying over them (it was for a blessing thing i think). so i walk through thinking "k, just go through a couple of times then take a nap or something" as soon and i stepped on the change i started laughing like crazy!!! i couldn't even walk straight! when i got through i asked what happpened and the speaker said the holy spirit came upon me. i jumped up and went through 6 more times! after that i laid on the ground and kept laughing till around 11pm (started laughing at 10pm). then we had to go back to our friends house. FYI: it wa most incredible thing i very experienced. now i can go to school and say "I got drunk this weekend and im proud of it!!" everyone will be like WTF did u say?! lol! so ya that was what i've been up to^^ what about u?
sorry ppl but i gots no old Q's or Q's from u so i gotta skip the Q's & A's section and such.

New Q
1.)whats ur fave type of ice cream?
2.)Should i put a new story on here?

I LUV U ALL (to girls it's more of a sisterly luv, and guys, more like a luv to a pet fish...jk!)
~Bball babe~
P.S.- i might put a new story on here. i quit my old one cuz i can't think of anything new for it.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

hi ppl! ugh sorry i've been gone! again! *glares at parents* i got grounded....not say about wat though *nervous look* hehe...well, these last few weeks have been both good and stressful!!!>_< good because 2 guy friends of mine finally figured out that their GF's were complete and udder bitches!!!! now 1 of the X gfs' is trying to black mail my friend!!! the little F*cker! *bets out a bat,fire torch,& a machine gun* just let her try!! (no im not usually this.... angry.) lol! anyway the truely bad is that im thinking of breaking up with my bf. when i told him this, it litterally killed me to hear him. he said "is there something i did? i mean why? what happened?!" i told him that i still felt like a stranger to him (which is true cuz we go to differ schools and don't talk much anymore), adn i didn't feel that way for him really anymore. so he asked me if we could try again. and because of my kind (yes kind) heartedness i sad sure *hits self repeatedly till dizzy* now im frusturated and really don't want to do this to him!! help me!! *screams towards the heavens* ok thats it for this. discussions next peeps!

ok the 1st one is from randomized05, and she says "i havnt been to a football game before, but i plan on goin next year during my freshman year." wow.... wait...i actually no some1 my age YES!!! i don't feel soo young anymore^^ anywho, the next one is from Irrasshaimase, and he says "I think the mall t'is a scary place.. T//T' hmm.." i guess thats exceptable...u being a guy and all *rolls eyes, then gives a mocking smile* jk! ok now to Q's & A's

Q's & A's
Old Q

1.) would u rather be eaten by a tiger or lick bpeanut off a hoboe's foot?...

randomized05: ....i'd go for bein eaten by a tiger thank u very much -_-'

Irrasshaimase: *Takes out sword out of thin air* BRING IT ON TIGER!!! XD lol

New Q
1.) is it a bad sign when u hit ur foot soo mcuh that u can't even feel it anymore?!!!

~Bball babe=^.^=~

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Friday, October 12, 2007

   ELLO! I WENT SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!
hey everyone! how r u? well, i've been okay i guess. doing well in school, bball coming up (yay!), random mood swings and instant rage atttacks (no it's not my time of the month yet...), etc.^^ i got to go to a football game on thursday. my bf said he was going to go so when i got there i waited for like 30minutes and said "the little bastard stood me up (i hardly get to see him muchT.T)." but then a friend of his told me he got in trouble with his mom (something about not answering his phone when she called. now thats wat i call OVER parenting). so he couldn't go. ya i feel bad about the whole bastard thing-_-" anyway i found some of my other friends so i was happy. and they're all like a year or 2 older than me (i felt soo young:C). plus i got to see my best guy bud so i was in a good mood. and today i went shopping and got a short skirt (its pink and black), an over shirt, leggings, and an awsome jacket!!! after a while my bf called and tried to explain but i told him he was covered^^. but then on the way home i trew up my burger (it was my dinner and i didn't eat breakfest or lunch). but im ok now:D and....i think thats it for now^^ i luv u all and its time for the discussions!


ok the first 1 is from LGA775, and he says "Hey Kaylie wow ive missed you too..And yeah its been awhile^^" god i now,im sorry about that too. the 2nd one is from randomized05, and she says "omg congrats on yr first kiss! im still awaiting for my first one -_-'" lol! i mean....hehe...jk! *hides behind the couch* anywho! the 3rd one is from NarutoBlackmail, and he says "SEE YOU OVER THE HEAVENS."...ok...sorry but...im not getting it. if its extremely obvious im sorry but im blonde soo...ya...lol! ok the Q's & A's r up!

Q's & A's

ok this section is for questions u have for me and i answer them as best as i can k^^

umm...sorry peeps but no 1 asked any so i cant answer any^^'


Old Q
1.) wat would ur dream vaycay be?
A: i have noo idea yet so i cna't answer that one^^

Issashaimase: It would be in Japan, hands down!

Kry: My dream vaycay would be to London for a few weeks. I'd like to bring a friend or two, but If I couldn't I'd be fine on my own. Maybe I'd meet some new people. lol Or not. But who knows?

New Q
1.)if u had to choose between getting eaten by a tiger or licking peanut butter off a hobo's foot, which would u do?

*sprouts wings and flys away into the heavens*

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Saturday, October 6, 2007

hi everyone!!! god, its been awhile! k im gonna try to sum up the last few weeks now. *breaths in*... i got my very first kiss 3weeks ago, i went to hawaii for a week and got sick,went snorkling, got an awsome tan, etc. then came home last week had a truck load of homework, finished it all (oh yea im good=P), went to a dance, it sucked. then last night went to a football game and froze to almost death, today went to my neice's Bday (she is now 16). *breaths out* phew! adn ya^^ so how have u all been? just so u know, since i've been gone sooo long im not going to do a discussion or a Q & A's thing. and sadly i won't continue my story for a while. im having major issues with it so ya. i'll tell ya when im going to put it up again k^^

New Q
1.) where would ur dream vacation be?

*grows wings and flys away*
~Bball babe=^.^=

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Monday, September 10, 2007

i just got tagged^^ so i'll just shut up and post eight random facts

1.)i have at least 3 blonde moments a day.

2.)i can eat almost anything u give me.

3.)my most hated nicknames are goliath/tally/and monster.

4.)i can be very aggressive if pushed too far.

5.)i lulv spongebob^^

6.) lots of ppl hug me and i don't know why...

7.)i have a multi-personality.

8.)i like ice cream!!!XD

who to tag, who to tag...



the next FLCL




and i can't think of other ppl right now...hehe..

~Bball babe~
ps-hey ppl umm a friend of mine's family member (i don't know which) is losing the fight for their life and i strongly wish that u would pray for him. if not for my request then for him cuz he really needs it. plz and thnx.

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

hi my friends! well i have some sad sad news... i had forgotten to type my 6th chapter or my story onto my computer and so...i won't be postinging it this weekend *backs away slowly* please don't be mad!
well my first week/3days of school were...pretty good i guess. one of my stalkers was really pissing me off so i kinda went out of control.... i kneed him in the groin... thankfully no teacher was around and it was after school. plus all the teachers think im a goody-2-shoes (i am most of the time), and didn't believe his story...hehe. i have this idea on the last day of school. im goint right up to him and say "hey there. (act all fliry and crap) ya no, i've been kind of a jerk to u so i wanted to make it up to u... (take off his glasses and get really close to his face) why don't u close ur eyes for a moment...please?" then when he does...BAM! right in the groin, full throttle hitXD my friend's gonna tape it. hehe.. *evil smirk*
yesturday was my first time going to a football game. i no thats pretty sad right. but our team lost pretty badly...we got one down and the other team got like...50 *rolls eyes* yea it sucked...so does our dance team now that i think about it...lol! i also saw an old friend/wanna be luver of mine. he knows i just like him as a friend though.. i still wonder...nvm. he's like 6ft4 though, so im even craning my neck to see him. and he has to be careful when he hugs me or he'll probably snap me in half or something>_> but he's still pretty kwl.
thats about it i think...ya^^

ok the 1st one is from akebaneamino, and he says "yup gotcha...school...wat a drag...
hmm...hugs yup..also a couple of people jumping on me @.@
on my day back...grrr they wanted to mess up my hair *shifty eyes* no one touches the hair but me XD" lol! ya ppl like trying to mess with my hair (if they can reach) cuz i hate it when they do. i think they like my expressions...idk. the next one is from joshanime2, and he says "oh dont worry I havent updated yet on my story." phew! *calms down* thats good that means i haven't missed much...right?

Q's & A's

Old Q
1.) whats ur fave color? (do not answer this one!!!)
A: read or blue...can't choseT.T

akebanemino: red!

joshanime2: saphire

New Q
1.) do u have more girl friends on here or guys friends?

~Bball babe~
Turns into a tiger and plays with yarn*

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

hi everyone!! *hangs head in shame* im sooo sorry for not visiting anyone!!! i've been really tied up with the start of school that i totally forgot to update!! (i started wednesday). ugh! anywho, my first day went better than i thought. i was thinking that ppl were gonna be like "Damn it! she's back!!" but it seems i was wrong. instead of being met with guns and fists, i was attacked with lots of hugs and screams of happiness (some of the guys too0.o). so ya. i remember most of my classes now...kinda. and i have most of my classes with people i actually wanna be with^^ sadly there are no hot/cool guys that i would even consider dating. but i guess that's good for Tyler right (he says he absolutely adores me so he's waiting for me<3)? thats all i really got for now. now to the discussions!!

ok the first one is from joshanime2, and he says "I really thought this chapter was very well done
VIOLENCE X3 my story wont have action for a while" lol! *freaks out* OMG! i totally forgot to check on it *cries silently* im sorry!! the 2nd one is from akebaneamino, and he says "wooo basketball!!!!!" lol! it rocks monke soxsXD thats an inside joke i've have with a few friends^^ the 3rd one is from NarutoBlackmail, and she says "I WANNA DYE MY HAIR PINK or rainbow" haha! i would luv to see that! well, thats it for this^^

Q's & A's

Old Q
1.) i dont gots oneT.T

New Q
1.)whats ur fave color?

~Bball babe~
My quote: The truth is deep down...we are all blondes...XD
*turns into a tiger and plays with yarn*

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Friday, August 31, 2007

ok my real post is below this one! just letting u know.
1.)i luv basketball
2.)i have a multi-personality
3.)my fave candy is swedish fish
4.)i hate losing (im way too competitive)
5.)i scare most ppl when im in game modeXD
5.)i've never made-out/kissed a guy before
6.)i have a big pool
7.)im super clumsy
8.)i have many blonde moments^^
who i want to tag:
3.)lovey davey
5.)Knight Edge

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