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Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Damn Mouse...
There is a mouse in my house. I saw it streak behind my chair last night and crash into a bunch of papers later. And just today, less than an hour ago, it was sittin' on the chair no more than five feet from me. I looked at it and it ran. Damn mouse. Go into the kitchen and die in a mousetrap.
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Monday, October 13, 2003

   Lilo & Stitch: The Series
You guys (and girls) should really consider watching L&S: TS if your an avid fan of L&S. It's quite funny. And it's educational!

How it's educational:
-You can learn to count to 626
-You can learn that rodents are evil
-You can learn Hawaiian
-You can learn Stitch talk!
-You can learn about the Hawaiian cukture

How it's funny:
-It has Stitch
-In one epsiode (Clip, to be exact) you get to see Captain --Former-- Gantu do his version of the Hula (Which includes part of the Chicken Dance!)
-In episode Spooky you get to see Stitch SCARED
-C'mon! IT'S STITCH!

Pleakley: Who knew arrmegeddon would be so... barbeque tasty?

Gantu: Uh... I mean, I missed the bus.

Kid #1: Hey, it's the guy who missed the bus!
Kid #2: Make him do the fire dance too!

Jumba:: It's my worst fear: EX-WIFE!

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Sunday, October 12, 2003

Thanks to everyone for 200 hits/visits! ^^!
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Saturday, October 11, 2003

   Oh Ra!
*can't stop laughing* ...*stops*

Okay, there's a website called the Digimon Cheesatorium ((digimon.topcities.com)) that pulls out all the cheesy lines in the Digimon dub. So far, only season one is up, but I figured I'd post my favorite cheesy lines... All from the same episode...

"I AM THE ULTIMATE EVIL, complete with hot and cold running water!"-Apocalyemon

"Sounds like a moose!"-Mimi

"Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings. THEY'RE ALREADY HURT!! HA HA HA!!"-Apocalymon

"Do you think it's fair that I should have to live with all this agony? Why should you get to laugh when I'm forced to cry? Why do you get to taste the best that life has to offer while all I do is get to choke on its leftovers? Answer [riddle?] me this: WHY DO ALL OF YOU GET THE PIZZA WHILE I GET THE CRUST?"-Apocalymon

"AHH! I can't take all these metaphors!"-Mimi

A ha ha ha ha ha! A ha ha ha – waitaminute, what am I laughing at? I'm suppose to be depressed!"-Apocaymon

"You mean we have to fight them all over again? This is the worse recurring nightmare I've ever been awake for!"-Joe

"Always save your receipts! The warranty was probably still good on those things!"-Apocalymon

"I tried positive thinking once. I was positive about one thing: I positively hated it."-Joe

"Y'know Izzy, when I first met you, I thought you were just one of those computer geeks. But after I got to know you, I realized you are one of those computer geeks."-Izzy

Gabumon: "As for you Matt . . ."
Matt: "You don't have to say anything."
Gabumon: "It was that time when . . ."
Matt: "Yeah, that's right. I remember . . ."
Gabumon: "And then you and I . . ."
Matt: "I know . . ."
Gabumon: "Remember when we . . ."
Matt: "Didn't you hear me?! I said you don't have to say anything!"

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   1+1= Shameless Promotion?
Thaaaaaat's right, the Bandit/DPAK has decided to promote some awesome sites free of shame.

Digital Enigma-A child. Yes, that is what you are... A mere child. Children love games, and that's what brought you to buy a pack of Digimon Battle Cards which contained a strange silver card. That same playfulness lured you into scanning the mysterious card through your card-reader, which somehow became a Digivice. It sucked you right up and flung you into the unknown. You were somehow teleported to another dimension... The Digital World.

You materialized in a desolate wasteland of forgotten memories. Dead trees swayed in the faint breeze, and fragments of the past were carried on the wind. The bleak atmosphere was a shattered reality. A lonely howl echoed across the eerie landscape, reaching your ears with a cold aura. Suddenly, the Digivice began to glow, vibrating all over and beeping furiously. Then, without warning, a the tiny computer-like device produced a strange creature. A Digimon- Your new best friend.(An awesome Digimon roleplaying site. If you join, I control the characters Blackgatomon/Kira and Tenshi.)
Digital Reality All you were doing was hopping dimensions, using your handy dandy portal key. But not one time did to pause to question yourself of what might happen if you somehow got stuck. You've appeared at a deserted beach. Waves of a soft mauve color lap gently against the shore; against the aqua tinted sand. A few feet away is the shimmering door: the way you got into this Digital World and the only way out. Colors shimmer between this doorway, moving fluidly like liquid, the border between different realities. Exasperatedly, you jam your portal key into the doorway, twisting it slightly as if to unlock it. But no doorknob appeared. Your portal key no longer seems to work, and has for some reason assumed new, strange capabilities. Like, for example, projecting this strange thing in front of you called... Digimon. Digital creatures with realistic personalities, feelings, and other characteristics. Seemingly creatures made out of data, nothing else.
All you want to do is get out.
But for now, you just have to wing it.
(Another awesome Digimon roleplaying site. Here, I am Kira.)
Digimon: Cursed-A long time ago, an evil curse was placed on the good soil
of the Digital World.
Digimon were turned to humans.
Now, the Cursed are back...
And they want revenge... (I actually own this Digimon roleplay site. ^^ Again, I'm Kira.)
My DeviantART- W00t! You can view all of my "wonderful" art! Wahaha!

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Friday, October 10, 2003

   Cheap Entertainment
The DPAK (aka Bandit Joeykuba/Me) shall now tell you a humorous story, for your entertainment. So sit back, relax, and enjoy...

See DPAK. See DPAK run. See DPAK with flamethrower. See DPAK run into town. Run, DPAK, run.

See people in town. People see DPAK. DPAK sees people. Hear people scream. Scream, people, scream.

See DPAK burn buildings. Burn, buildings, burn.

See people run from DPAK. See Jane and Dick get ran over. See Jane and Dick die. Die, Jane and Dick, die.

See DPAK grin. Grin, DPAK, grin.

See town burn down to the ground. Burn, town, burn.

See DPAK walk off. See DPAK go to cave. See DPAK sleep. Sleep, DPAK, sleep...

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Thursday, October 9, 2003

   Stupid Mom...
My mother, whom I am mad at, is making me spend the night with my sister and her kids. Now, I don't mind spending time with them, but no way do I enjoy spending the night. It means I don't get to watch anything I want to. Nothing. No Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh on WB. And they don't have cable OR sattelite so that means no Inuyasha at midnight tonight. Oh, and no internet or videogames. Well, thy do have internet, but these are people who think POKEMON is evil, so what are the odds they'll let me go to any site I want at their house? I'd be lucky to be able to check my e-mail or visit NEOPETS.
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Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Just got back from my first band concert. Fairly short, five peices of music, 30 minutes. Tired.

Songs Played:
Festive Jubilee
Jursassic Park
When You Believe
Columbia Crest March
Trails of Glory

Other News:
-Since 'Yu-gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed' was such a hit on OB, I may do a follow up with either 'Shonen-ai TV' or 'Yu Yu Hakusho Cast Gets Interviewed'
-Since YGO parodies are the new black, I'm also doing parody episodes... for every episode. I'm currently on episode one, 'Stomach of the Cards?!' (Originally, 'Heart of the Cards'). By the way, if you know a website where I can find full episode scripts, please let me know, it'll be much quicker than trying to use my mind.

Qoutable Qoute of the Day:
Me (Talking to my b/f about the band concert): Don't worry about coming, it's optional.

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Saturday, October 4, 2003

Bandit has a boyfriend! Bandit has a boyfriend!


I officially love Homecoming.

Prehaps I should fill you in...

It started off on the bus to my pal (whom I will now call Zell, due to the fact it's hernickname). Boy, that was fun. I had an attitude and a half with some of the girls sitting around us. In fact, I dissed one of them, I suppose, with my wonderfully sharp tounge. Yet, the whole time, zell and I were using our odd senses of humor to entertain our selves.
Qoutable qoute of this section:
Some girl: Hey, what did you go as yesterday?
Me: Impmon.
Girl: What's that?
Another girl: I think it's some sort of Digimon or something like that.
Girl #1: Now what was it again?
Me: Immmppp-moonnnn. Do I need to say it slower for your understanding?
Many of the people around us: Ooooooo, that was cold.

Moving on, we spent a while at her house and about 5:30 we left for the school. She had to help with parking, thus the reason why we were there early. Anywhoose, the peopls chased me off, so I tortured Duke (who's another friend of mine) for a while by tickling her.

Qoutable qoute:
Random Boy: Oo; oO;
Me: Hi, I'm the demon child! ^^!
Boy: You look it.

Later on, after Zell's duties were over, we went to the game. Somehow, I got in free. Anyways, all I could do was think about him and the dance. In fact, since he was to be there at n ine, we left after the Homecoming court was announced and headed to the school to see if the doors were opened yet.

Qoutable Qoute:
Me: *points to the Homecoming girls* Lookit! There's Barbie numbers one and two!

To make things bad, I was freezing after we left the stadium. To make it worse, the doors weren't open yet. In fact, by the time he got there, I was cussing worse than a sailor. In fact, I think it was every other word was a cuss word.

Qoutable qoute:
Me: It would help if my damn hand wasn't frozen to my drink.

Anywhoose, we walked around to the cafeteria doors and they were locked as well. So, we waited and waited and waited. While we waited, me and him talked about various, random things. Also, I regained feeling/warmth in my hands.

Qoutable Qoute:
Me: You should only worry about me when I get still.

Continuing on, we ended up losing the game 44-28. And guess what, they didn't even open the dance til ten minutes til ten. So, we headed on in and sat. He was sitting beside me and was saying something... can't remember what. All I remember was thinking, 'C'mon! Hug him! It won't hurt anything! You know he likes you!' And for once, my shyness didn't get in the way. Next thing I know, I suddenly have my arms wrapped around him and my face halfway buried in his arm. And I felt good. In fact, he actually starte to rub my arm. But I pulled away. He knew how I felt though, so he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I found myself resting my head on his chest. And all was good. We sat there for a while, until Zell showed back up. Of course she had to get two pictures (that way, whenshe got the film developed, all three of us could have a copy).

Qoutable Qoute:
Him: Go ahead and take the picture. I don't care, but she might.

But alas, it was time to go. Zell left me and him to say our goodbyes.

Qoutable Qoute:
Me(to Zell): Oh, time to go already? And to think, I didn't even get my slow dance.

So, I hugged him and told him I had to go. He walked with me to the lobby, and I waited for him to make a call to his mom, as to get picked up. After he was through, I gave him my number, hugged him once more, told him I'd see him on Monday and left.

Oh happy day for Bandit.

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Thursday, October 2, 2003

There's Always Tomorrow...
Again, curse me and my shyness. >_<

Anywhoose, tomorrow is Homecoming! I'm going over to my friend's house and we're going to the football game together. Then, it's off to da dance. It's going to go on til midnight, but I have to leave at ten. Oo;

But that's in the future, let's review what happened today!

-I went as Impmon today at school. I was probably asked 50 or so times who I was. SO annoying.
-I talked to him a lot at lunch today since my buddy was in the libary.
-I bought my ticket to Homecoming.
-In English, we were playing Weakest Link to study for our vocab test tomorrow. Out of the four people chosen from my half of the room, me and him made it to the final round. I lost... by one... point...

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