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myOtaku.com: athrunsgurl

Saturday, July 1, 2006

  Okies, yesterday one of my friends called me and we talked casually at first, but then she started getting mad at me cause she thinks I like John as more than a friend. I told her that I didn't and she just hung up on me, then my cousin came over. She likes John cause she saw a picture of him, and she said I liked him, too and got mad at me and now she won't talk to me! My other cousin says they're both just mad that he's one of my best friends (I have more) and I shouldn't let it get to me, but how could I not? They hate me and they both only like him cause they saw a picture of him! They don't even know him! I hate how they're acting around me. Then my cousin that told me not to get worked up about it also said that I liked him. I told her I didn't cause I really don't but she just laughed at me and said whatever. Personally I couldn't care less what they think, but I do care that they ignore what I say all the time! I hate being ignored, it irritates me to no means! I'm fine with them liking John, I don't care that they like him, but how can they turn around and acuse me of liking him (in a different way of being friends) and not listen to me saying that I don't, and then getting mad at me? I'm confusing myself, now...man I'm so stressed out. I thought I got back on my normal sleep pattern, but it turns out it I didn't...and to top this all of, I want to apologize to most of you for not commenting on your sites for a while, I'm so sorry. I just need a moment to get things flowing again, please this is all I ask, I don't mean to seam mean, but I need a break from eveything as things are now, it'summer break and I feel much worse than I did when I was still in school, not to mention my grandma's b-day is coming up soon (July 5) and we have to get ready and buy stuff and make reservations, yadda yadda yadda (her b-day is treated like a holiday in our family) I might be off the Otaku for a few days, maybe, but I need to sort my life out, I'll miss you guys, and try to get to everyons site when I get back, okies? Thank you all SO much, byeness *falls over from exhaustion*

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