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myOtaku.com: Angelusvampire

Friday, December 16, 2005

Thanks, Moogle Claire! Now I know how to post pictures! (Chocolate Devil, she explains it in the comments for my last post). Anyway...
How has everyone's day gone? Mine is going well. I was supposed to go and visit with family at my grandpa's house, but he just called and said that he was sick. So that's been called off and I'm still here. Tonight, though, I may go see King Kong (apparently it's out already, although I thought it was going to be later in the month). Has anyone seen it? If so, how was it? (no spoilers, please!).
I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion late last night. I love that show with a passion! It's so good! The characters interact so well, and the relationships are very interesting. Oh, and is it just me, or does Shinji have a crush on EVERYONE? Well, I suppose I can relate...if it's female, I'm chasing after it! (Smiles like Miroku, and dashes off with a little cloud of dust in my wake)
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Quote of the day:
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." - Sabastian from "Alien vs. Predator"

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