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myOtaku.com: Angelusvampire

Friday, December 2, 2005

Cool survey
Current Location:In my house...mwahaha!
Eye Color:Dark borwn
Hair Color:Dark brown
Height:five feet, ten inches
Weight:one hundred and eighty five (all muscle, ladies)
Piercings:None, and never gonna get any
Tatoos:I don't have any now, but I would like to get one on my upper arm
Boyfriend/Girlfriend:*sigh* No...
Overused Phraze:"Bloody Hell!"
Food:None really.
Candy:Sour Patch
Color:Green, and black
Animal:Three way tie: Bears, Wolves, and Bats
Drink:Plain Green Tea
Alcohol Drink:None
Body Part on Opposite :On opposite sex? Easy: Eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing:McDonalds, although I don't like either really.
Strawberry or Watermelon:Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea:Ice tea
Chocolate or VanillaVanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug:Hug
Dog or Cat:Dog all the way!
Rap or Punk:Punk
Summer or Winter:Both. I love all seasons.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:Niether, really. I like epics.
Love or Money:Love!!!!!!!
Bedtime:Changes every night - could be ten, could be three in the morning
Most Missed Memory:Childhood
Best phyiscal feature:Uh...there is no way I can answer this without sounding conceeded...
First Thought Waking Up:Damn alarm clock! (smashing sound, followed by electrical buzz)
Goal for this year:To work toward destroying all pornography. I have my work cut out for me.
Best Friends:Stephanie and Constantine
Fears:Not reaching my goals
Heritage:Scotland and France
Longest relationship:With Contantine, something like ten years
Ever Drank:Alcohol? A little, just to try the taste.
Ever Smoked:Nope.
Pot:Hell no!
Ever been Drunk:No
Ever been beaten up:No
Ever beaten someone up:Uh...no...
Ever Shoplifted:When I was a little tiny kid, yes
Ever Skinny Dipped:No
Ever Kissed Opposite :Yes
Been Dumped Lately:I went on a date and she never called me. Does that count?
Favorite Eye Color:Don't really care. It's all good!
Favorite Hair Color:Same. All depends on the girl.
Short or Long:Either.
Height:Shorter than me.
Style:Never been a fan of preppy or really revealing. Punk and goth rock.
Looks or Personality:Personality can make anyone attractive.
Hot or CuteCute, preferably.
and Alcohol:Am I the only one who doesn't get this part?
Muscular or Really Skinny:Lord, I hope she's not muscular!
Number of Regrets in the Past:Oh boy, alot
What country do you want to Visit:Scotland, Japan, Hungury, Romania...
How do you want to Die:I guess of old age, although in battle is honorable.
Been to the Mall Lately:Yesterday.
Do you like Thunderstorms:Oh yeah!
Get along with your Parents:(Winces) Pretty good. Alot of respect for them.
Health Freak:I like to eat healthy and work out, but I'm not a health freak really.
Do you think your Attractive:Sure.
Believe in Yourself:Yes
Want to go to College:I'm going in a month.
Do you Smoke:No
Do you Drink:Not alcohol, no.
Shower Daily:Once or twice.
Been in Love:Yes.
Do you Sing:All day long.
Want to get Married:Very much.
Do you want Children:Two would be nice, one boy and one girl.
Have your future kids names planned out:"Vincent" for a boy, and "Rose" for a girl.
anyone:Fight to the death for what you believe in, and those you love. Never ever give up.


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