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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Well, what's up? How's your day going?
What to write...I have class today from 3:10 to 5:00. Before and after that, I plan on spending alot of time on the novels I'm writing. I'm at the very last part, and this will be my third try at getting the ending right. Wish me luck! I hope it turns out good!
I have to return Resident Evil 4 to the video store today as well, which is sad. That game is so cool! Leon and Ada rock! If you've played it, which is your favorite: Leon or Ada? I'm not sure. Both are cool for different reasons.
Well, gotta go!

Quote of the day: "Things used to be really simple. One hundred years, just hanging out, feeling guilty. I've really mastered my brooding skills." - Angel from "Angel"

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Motoko from "Ghost in the Shell" fighting a cyber criminal, probably.
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Paine, Yuna, and Rikku from "Final Fantasy X-2"
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Belldandy from "Ah! My Goddess"

Anybody get warm fuzzy feeling when they see this video? I do.

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Monday, January 30, 2006

   Nuttin much
Hey everyone! Today I may not get to any sites - I'm going to get that damn report done! So...what else to say...nothing much...catch ya all later!

Quote of the day: "Our greatest glory is in not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Unknown

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Sephiroth and Cloud
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These first two taken from HazelKeys1985's site. Pretty cool, huh?
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Kikyo, Kagome, and Sango from "InuYasha"
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Ayame from "Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven"

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Sunday, January 29, 2006

   Anime night!
Hello, friends!
How's you day going? I'm tired right now (it's 12:00 am). But hey, FullMetal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Evangelion, and Cowboy Bebop are on! Sweet!
Had a pretty good day today. I helped my dad work on the house (he's adding in a new room). And I did some research for my report, which I plan to work on all day later, before I go to work.
Then I'll get online and check out your sites!
Is anyone else really getting into Valentine's day this year? I am. Can't get girls off my mind...
Well, I guess that's all for now!

Quote of the day: "If so powerful you are, why leave?" - Yoda to the Emperor in "Revenge of the Sith"

Pics: (yes, I am girl crazy) lol
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These first two came from Shadowtiger69's site...beautiful...
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Kagura from "InuYasha"
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Saturday, January 28, 2006

My original plan for a Sin City theme failed. It just didn't looks as good. So I searched, and found a beautiful Bleach background. What do you think?
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Hello all my anime-loving friends! How're you all doing? Good I hope.
I had a pretty good night last night. The party was cancelled (the host was sick), but that was no big loss. I went over to a friends house instead (I missed Naruto! Damn!).
We watched "Troy". Has anyone seen it? I HATED it! My favorite character died! I won't say who, in case any of you plan on seeing it. It was a good movie, but just so damn sad.
Well, other than that, nothing much to say...I have to work today, and then I'm going to be writing my report for a long time. So, it may be a while until I get to any of your sites.
Oh, and I beat Resident Evil 4! Or, actually, my friend and I did. I'm playing it on my own now. And now, I can play as Ada! She rocks! I've always prefered to play as girls in video games...maybe because they seem faster and more agile. It's funny, too, when you play as her, you see the main character, Leon, running for his life from zombies ALL the time. Very humorous. Ada always has to save his life. lol
Question: Has anyone heard from Vigro Angel? I haven't seen or heard anything for her in a while...

Quote of the day: "A dusty black coat with a red right hand..." - Lyric from the song "Red Right Hand" by Nick Cave

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Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 3
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Jakotsu from "InuYasha"
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InuYasha, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Hey, how's everyone doin'?
I had a pretty good day yesterday. Lots of work (college, chores, etc.) but it was still good. And in exactly thirty minutes, Neon Genesis Evangelion's on! Yeah baby!
Tomorrow I have to work on a report and do some reading. After that, I'm going to a party! Wo-ho! Well, it's not really that exciting. Last time I went to one of this guy's parties,
I was bored to death. Not that the party wasn't lively, it was. I just HATE one of the guys there (he's so mean to his girlfriend!) and a bunch of the others guys talk vulgar about
girls. Oh yes, if they do it again, blood will be spilt. lol
Well, other than that, nothing much to report. Namarie! (if you know what that means, I love you)

Quote of the day: "This isn't some bar-room brawl." - Marv from "Sin City"

A question: What background is on your computer's desktop? Mine's Rukia from Bleach. It was Avril before that.

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Selene from "Underworld"

Oh, and I know I had a survey on here yesterday too, but the one below is a different one. Just so you know. (winks)

And Alphonse13/Steph: You should love this video!

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Thursday, January 26, 2006

   'Nother Survey!
(I love these things)

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
gum:Not a big gum fan...
restaurant:Olive Garden!
drink:Green tea
type of weather:Rainy
emotion:Happy, of course
thing to do on a half day:Half day? What's a half day? lol
late-night activity:Surfin' myOtaku, watching anime, writing my books, reading
city:City? not really. Itty-bitty town? Yes: Grand Marais, MI
store:Hot Topic, and any bookstore
When was the last time you..
cried:A couple weeks ago
played a sport:Summer, at my grandpa's: football
laughed:Earlier today.
hugged someone:A long, long while ago...
kissed someone:A long, long while ago...
felt depressed:Yesterday
felt elated:Ummm...try as I might, I cannot remember what that word means
felt overworked:This morning
faked sick:Last month, I think, maybe November. When Alphonse13 said she was so sad she was thinking of suicide, I faked being sick in order to go home from work to write to her. Really.
lied:Same as above.
What was the last..
word you said:"What?" Yes, that sounds pathetic. lol
thing you ate:Pizza!
song you listened to:"Hell Above Water" by Curve
thing you drank:Water mixed with cranberry juice. Good stuff.
place you went to:The local video store, with a friend. I didn't rent anything.
movie you saw:"Underworld: Evolution" Yeah baby!
movie you rented:"Hercules"
concert you attended:Avril Lavigne
Who was the last person you..
hugged:Can't remember...wait, my dad. He looked mopey.
cried over:Can't remember...
kissed:Can't remember...sheesh
danced with:Okay, this is getting old. Can't remember!
shared a secret with:Not sure...(better than can't remember! lol)
had a sleepover with:My friend, Constantine.
called:Some lady at my college's help desk
went to a movie with:My dear ol' dad.
saw:My dad
were angry with:My sister
couldn't take your eyes off of:Not sure...
obsessed over:Hey, now that's private!
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:Yep. Wait, not actually DANCED. Just stood there, enjoying the feel of it hitting my face.
kissed someone:Maybe...
done drugs:Hell no!
drank alcohol:Once. Jus to know the taste I swear!
slept around:No bloody way!
partied 'til the sun came up:Nope.
had a movie marathon:Yep.
gone too far on a dare:Don't think so...
spun until you were immensely dizzy:Many times.
taken a survey quite like this before:Yes.
Take this survey | Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d

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   Evangelion night!
Well, yet again I have a full day. I have to finish up my homework, which I wish I hadn't laid off until today, get a hair cut, and go to college. But all with be worth it cause later on tonight, Evangelion will be on. (puts hands together)
Well, how's everyone doing? I'm back to my happy self, thankfully.
You know what I feel like? I really feel like going to a concert. Evanescence, Avril, Rob Thomas, something. There was a Rob Thomas/Anna Nalick concert a while back, but I didn't have the cash or the time to go. Very sad. The last concert I went to was Avril, and that was an absolute blast. And, for those of you that haven't seen her live, she's REALLY tiny. It's weird, when you see people in pictures, you don't get an idea of what size they are. I was about five rows away from the stage at her concert, and bloody hell she was small. Well, in truth, she actually wasn't. She's five foot two inches, if my memory is correct. It's just she was smaller than I thought she'd look. Well, anyway, I'm babbling on and on now, so I'll just go to quote and pics!

Quote of the day: "This is the old days, the bad days, the all or nothin' days. They're back. And I'm ready for war." - Marv from Sin City
Has anyone seen Sin City? I think that's going to be my theme next week. I had planned on bleach, but the background I liked was tinier than hell when I downloaded it onto photobucket. But I think a Sin City theme would be cool and original. (sits back in chair like a skilled pro in the feild of website design)

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Ichigo from "Bleach"
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Shippo, Sango, Miroku, InuYasha,and Kagome. Where's Myoga? Ran away, probably...lol
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Kagura from "InuYasha". One of my favorite anime characters of all.
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Wolverine from "X-MEN"

To tide all of you Evangelion fans over until 12:30 tonight...

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

   Argh....this sucks...
Hey, how's everyone doing? I'm okay, but kinda depressed. ): For multiple reasons, I'm just down in the dumps. (bangs head on desk).
Today's been stressful. My sister wrecked havok once again. AGAIN. Will she ever learn that people actually have feelings? I doubt it.
College was actually better than usual. The class today was pretty easy, and that's gotta count for something, right? The world's not all bad. And besides, you all make it all so much better! (bear hugs you) I'm glad that I have friends like you!
Well, hopefully my mood will lift. I hate being depressed! It's such a horrible feeling!
Note to Vigro Angel: Have you read my pm yet? And have you seen part two of my vamp bio? I want to know what you think!

Quote of the day: "I want to become...someone." - Angel from "Angel"

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Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli from "The Lord of the Rings"
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Neo and the Smiths


the peace keeper

what kind of warrior are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Wolf Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

you are a vampire

what anmie person are you vampire or human? (boys)
brought to you by Quizilla

Now ain't this the truth?
You're Alex Louis Armstrong! You like to brag about

your muscles a lot!

What alchemist are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

College, Vamp Bio
I got a letter yesterday that said my college enrollment had been canceled. After freaking out, I called them (I was SURE I'd paid!) and talked to a woman who told me that I had paid for my CLASS, but not the enrollment fee. Enrollment fee! What the bloody hell was she talking about! Anyway, she was very friendly, and informed me that I could pay the stray $25 online. Did that, then chilled after a long day of work, drinking some tea...ummm ummm good...lol
So, how was everyone's monday? I hope it was a better then my slightly stressful one.
And hey! My first vampire bio is up! And my second may be as well, haven't checked. Go to Vampire Legion if you wanna read it/them. There's a spelling error I found on the first, which irritates me intensly. At one point, I put "my" when I should have put "by". Just so you know.
Well, catch ya all later!

Quote of the day: "Do you believe in fate?" - Morpheus from "The Matrix"

My question to you: Do you believe in fate? Why or why not?

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Major Motoko Kusanagi from "Ghost in the Shell"
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Illyria from "Angel"
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Avril Lavigne
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