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myOtaku.com: Angel Zakuro

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Thankies for all the comments yesterday! Wow, I sure got a lot even though I barely wrote anything...and I'm sorry it was so short. It makes me unhappy to see disappointed comments with what I write. ^^; I always thought that no one likes to read long posts (especially mine), but apparently not! So thanks sooo much. I'm over the whole gaia messages thing...it doesn't matter since I did save most of the important ones. ^^ Plus, it's not like I erased my account or anything! That would suck! So, yeah. ^^; Anyhoo, I can visit today! Yay! Weather pending, that is...cause I can hear the thunder in the distance! It's supposed to thunderstorm this afternoon...so I hope the electricity doesn't go out!!

I'll try to make this post as long as they usually are then! ^^ So...let's see...ah yes, yesterday. Yesterday we (dad, mom, Corey, me) went out to do some errands, but first we went to EBgames cause Corey wanted to see if there were any rare ps1 games left there (he's somewhat of a game collector...it seems to be an obsession for him...). We got some (yay), and even though we don't have an xbox yet, he got the Dead or Alive Ultimate collection thing used. They had a few copies of it, so we were comparing them, and one box had different covers on the booklets! We're like, "hey, those are cooler!" So we switched them...well, we didn't look inside the booklets unfortunately. ^^; Much later we found that they were Chinese!!! And even the disc that the guy gave us was Chinese, too! >< Sure, usually it'd be like "cool", but import/foreign games don't play on xboxes, and the only reason he got the game was to play it (though we don't even have an xbox yet!). So, he was worrying about it all day...

Then before dinner, he decided to go back and return it. I went with him (cause it seems that I'm attached to him...or like his dog...or slave...or something), and the game place didn't even have more of the game to trade for it! Even though they had the boxes, they couldn't find the games. ^^; So at least he got his money back...but still...it was really stupid! I can't believe they'd even accept a traded-in Chinese version. So...yeah...sorry if that story of my day yesterday didn't make any sense or seemed disjointed. ^^; I can't really concentrate on what I'm typing since my mom's exercising right now with really loud music!!!

You know...I haven't really complained much lately, have I? Like, most of my posts lately have been somewhat good...and no mentions of crying! ^^; Well...I suppose that's good, but it won't last long! I think I've gotta complain in this post today. Sorry! Ugh...lately, I've been feeling bleh! You know, real "bleh"? Just like...worn out, depressed, sorta. *sigh* It just absolutely sucks. Nothing's getting better with my mom, in fact, it seems to be getting worse. Before, my dad was in a renovation mood (to get the house to look nice if we sold it), so he painted the laundry room. Well, it turns out that the reactions from the kitchen has made my mom allergic to other substances, too...and that includes the paint!!! *sigh* So now she can't even go in the laundry room. That used to be one of her only safe havens, but now it's dangerous, too. She can only stay in her room. *sigh* So she probably won't be able to do the laundry anymore...so I'm sure that job will be passed on to me, too. That means more housework for me!

I swear, it's like I'm the second mom now. I don't really mind it all that much cause I want to help my mom out...and some of it's sorta fun, but you know, it's hard. Especially since my brothers hardly help at all! Like last night, ugh, Corey really was annoying me. He decided to start making rice crispy treats while we (me and dad) were making dinner. We already had 2 pots on the stove, but then he wanted to add more! Since he can't really do anything on his own anyway, he asked me to help out...well, I was already having to make the salad, noodles, and cook the asparagus, but then he wanted me to help with that, too. So I start pouring in the rice krispies...and I accidentally hit the microwave with the box, causing the rice krispies to spill all over the stovetop...they started to burn and smoke and everything. Luckily, it wasn't that bad...but it did make some heck of a mess on the stove. Then, he was about to put the treats into the pan, and he's like, "Did you even butter the pan?? Hurry up!" So he was yelling at me and ordering me around to do everything even though I already had to make all the other stuff, too...man, it's just horrible. I do all the work!! ><

*sigh* Ok...sorry for the stupidly long post about nothing. My mind wasn't all there when writing it. I'm sure there was other stuff I wanted to mention, but even if I do, it won't come out right. ^^; Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day today!! Maybe I'll make brownies...

P.S. Sorry! Making this longer...but here's the link to my Ichigo pic! Enjoy! ^^

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