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myOtaku.com: Angel Zakuro

Monday, July 10, 2006

Thank you all soooooooooo much for the comments!! I think yesterday I got the most meaningful and well-thought out comments ever. Thank you, and I really commend you all on being so articulate! *laugh* I sound like a teacher or something...^^; Monica, your speech was very powerful (and same with your poem, thanks again), and what you suggested for me to say...well, I doubt I could say that. ^^; See, I'm a very "obedient" child...*sigh* Thanks though. Shizuka, your words always help, too, even though you sure seem unsure of yourself whenever you write things to make me better...you need more confidence, too! Everything you say is great, whether you think it or not, it helps. Skomie, yeah, it seems like that's your catchphrase for me! ("I hope things get better.") But I think that's fine. *nods* It's just because I always seem to talk about bad things...all you guys can do is hope and pray, right? It's not like you have control over what can happen. So again, thanks everyone (new friends and old) for commenting and being so helpful.

Wow, that seemed to be a long thanking paragraph. ^^; I'm sorry if I didn't mention your name separately like I did with the others, but usually I don't at all...but don't think your comment didn't count!! >< So thanks to Reki, asialonewolf, GetyourownRoxas, Bishieluver, Rachel, and EK, too!! ^^ Ok, anyhoo, my dad has been getting mad more and more...yesterday he yelled at my mom, too. It's all over this stupid moving crap...and getting things in boxes already even though we don't even have a new house yet! Nothing is doing anything at the moment...we're in house moving limbo, floating between the idea of moving and the acutal action...just not doing anything. *sigh* My dad thinks that if we get the house then everything'll go super quick! If that's the case, then there's no way I'll be able to stay in my school district (by not moving in before nov.1).

I don't know what we're doing today...I know I probably won't get any visiting time though. Sorry. ^^; Yes, EK, saying "gao" is bad for you...*laugh* But sometimes I can't help it. I'm a bit of a Misuzu indeed. I hold my feelings inside a lot, and then I just burst out crying sometimes for no aparent reason...I tend to act like a child despite not being one though (unlike Misuzu) I'm very mature most of the time...it's more like I want to stay a kid, you know? I don't want to grow up. *sigh*

Before I end this, I'd like to recommend a couple books I've read so far this summer (well, one I'm rereading cause it's so good ^^). Silver Wolf by Alice Borchardt. I finished reading that last week (it was the quickest almost 500 pages I ever read cause it was sooo good!!) It's fantasy but set in some time in Rome. The main girl has the power to turn into a wolf. It has soo much action in it...I definitely recommend it, but only to older readers. ^^; There's quite a lot of in-depth descriptions of violence, sex, rape, anything else with sexual connotations, and lepers (along with other montrosities). It kept me reading all night practically it was so good. ^^ So you should read it if you have the time and the stomach! It's not like there's a lot of sex scenes...it's just that those Romans...well, yeah. ^^; And the book I'm rereading now is Dragon's Winter by Elizabeth A. Lynn. *nods* One of my faves.

Ok!! Well, I'd better go now...I need breakfast. I'm really hungry! I hope that today is a good day for everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and comment. *nods*

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