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myOtaku.com: Angel Zakuro

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Warning: thanks, fish, and a lot of school ranting! ^^; Sorry!
Hey peoples! *hugs* Nice to see you all again. ^_^ I'm glad that I got to read lots of comments from my sweet friends! <333 I'm definitely amazed that I got so many. ^^;; You're too good to me! Despite your schoolwork and other work, you managed to get to me. Thank you SOOOO MUCH!! *hugs* You're all so sweet! And even if you don't get to comment a lot, I don't mind. Since I'm obviously not that good at it lately either. Welcome back, kita, and anyone else that has gone missing for a while. Linds!! <33 Oh don't worry; I don't need you to beat up anyone, although I know you would. You should've beaten her up from elementary-high school...that would've been the best. *laugh* And thanks to everyone for everything! I just don't feel like replying in detail today, but arigatou for all the comments~

Oh dear bejeebus (wtf?), I'm so tired. My face is also itchy. Nowadays I get a freaking reaction from being down here in the basement (where the comp and fish tank is). D; Freaking sucks. Stupid allergies. I should go put some lotion on or something. ~__~;; But I'm too lazy to go up two flights of stairs. *sigh* So oh well! Oh goodness, it's SOOO freezing outside. ;__; The coldest day ever so far this winter. I'm out there for maybe 4 minutes, and my ears and everything feel like falling off. >.< It's horrible!!! BUT!! At least I can safely say that I am done with school for the week~~~ Oh boy! I don't know how I'll get used to having a 3-day weekend every single week. But...I guess I can see it balancing out since the 4 days I do have classes are wretched. T__T Mondays aren't bad though; I think those are my best days--I just have fashion and philosophy. But tuesday-thursday...suck. *sigh* This week has felt so long, and it's only been 4 days. Maybe it's just because it was the first week back? I hope so. But gawd, it sucks.

I guess before I rant about school, I'll mention the fish! *laugh* Some of you actually like hearing about them, so yeah! They're all doing good! ^_^ None are sick, and I doubt that they'll get sick again. At least I hope! Before getting any new fish, dad's going to get a "quarantine tank", which will just be a smaller other tank, to put the new ones in for a while to make sure they don't have any diseases that will spread to the main one. I think that's a good idea. I mean, we HAVE to get more. XD This huge tank will not suffice with just 10 fish! *laugh* And then my dear Seyonne is doing wonderfully~ He's always swimming around and is hungry. I also swear that he greets me when I come in my room. I THINK HE'S SMART. If you want a fish, get a betta. They're awesome. :3 But remember, only one per tank! Can't have them fighting!

Alright! Oh, and one more thing before school-talk. I can't submit my wallpaper yet! It still doesn't work. :/ I don't get it! ;__; And no one is helping fix it! I submitted an e-card, and that worked fine, but for some reason, it isn't working for my wallpapers. Like wtf?? I'm supposedly "known" for my walls!!! What is a waller without wallpaper submissions?? D:

Ok, and now I feel like I talked enough about other things that I can now complain about school. >.< OK???? Anyhoo, yesterday I had fashion, philosophy and ART. Sounds like a fantabulous day, right? Especially since I don't mind the first two classes [they went fine! nothing special], and come on, it's art! What is there not to like about art? Unless, of course you don't like art in general. *laugh* But no, I went into that class already somewhat dreading it. One, it starts at 2:25 and is supposed to end at 5:05!! -__-; Yeah, Ok, I already feared its length...and I've never had a class go that late. Staying at school past 4 just scares me. But some time I'm going to have to take night classes anyway. *sigh* But anyhoo, #2, I heard lots of bad things about my instructor last semester. Every one that had him complained of the same things: "He's so hard to talk to. He's really weird and quiet. He barely talks...and he makes things difficult. I feel uncomfortable around him." Well, hearing those warnings definitely made me wary! But I never judge someone before I meet them, so I was thinking that maybe I'll get used to him or he isn't that bad! But oh goodness, he WAS that bad. ;__; That class was torture! Well, where to start? I guess the beginning, ne? I walked in, and most of the people were already there. I sat next to Vincent, who was that somewhat annoying kind in my art class last semester, and next to this older lady that I become well acquainted with during the class.

He handed us notecards and the syllabus to give him our info (email etc.)...and he was just so weird and quiet!! After we handed them in, he asked if there were any fashion majors in the class. I was the only one...I raised my hand. And then, uh, silence? I finally said, "Yeah, I am...." and he awkwardly said, "Oh...then why are you in this class?" WTF? WHY? WHY NOT??? So I went on this long explanation and he said almost nothing in response! O__o It was so strange!! Oh, and yeah, whenever he talks, his sentences are crammed with "Uh...umm.." and long pauses. Anyhoo, when everyone got there [thank goodness, Joann is in my class! She's the sweet mom-like lady from last semester] he TRIED explaining to us what we were doing that day. "uh...contour drawings...and you know, drawing from life. You should...examine...life whenever you can. It's...yeah, you know...follow your dreams." WTF? He kept mentioning that we should follow our dreams, and it had nothing to do with anything. Anyhoo, his best way of explaining was to show us, so for about 20 minutes, we were forced to stand behind him and watch him draw these two Windex bottles. Yeah. Wow. A great waste of time. When we finally were able to go and get objects for us to draw...well, I was relieved! But, the unfortunate thing was that that's all we did the WHOLE TIME!! For over 2 hours! ;__; Worked on one freaking still-life. It was torture. I work extremely quickly. >< So I was done around 3...*sigh* I was so bored. And Justin (our instructor) would come around and attempt to compliment works, like mine. "Oh, I uh...like what you did...how you focused more on underneath the table than what's on it, cause you know, you should always see all of the picture...good composition...follow your dreams, yeah." ~___~'' I felt embarrassed each time he'd talk to me! Or more like, it seemed like he was embarrassed whenever he'd talk to anyone. I don't think he's cut out to be a teacher.

During most of the class, when I was doing nothing, I chatted with Mary, the older lady next to me. We talked about Project Runway, ANTM, other tv shows, her daughter being in fashion, and other things. *laugh* I tend to get along better with the older group. I like talking more to teachers and "grown-ups" than people my age. XD But despite doing that, I was really dragging. With all that time, I could've finished 4 projects. >> So boring! After class (oh, we got out early at 4:30...) I tried talking to him, telling him that I like to have more things to do during class, and will we always get out earlier than 5 etc...he didn't answer me right. OF COURSE. He took out the syllabus and stuttered, pointing out some dates, and never completing his sentences. Oh, and when he "explained" the final project, he said, "I'll tell you about your final project now, in case you want to work on it throughout the semester...it's, well, whatever you want. You can do anything." Oh wow. Good guidelines. I totally know what I'm doing now. Totally. I hate it. At least it's only once a week.

Sorry that story took so freaking long to go through. But yeah...I got home past 5 last night, and I was so tired...if I had homework due today, I'd die. So as for today, it sucked as well. I had accounting and chemistry. Two very different complaints. I dislike my acct teacher greatly. She always sounds like she's so high and mighty, and she went sooooo fast. I was really confused, and I couldn't see any of the notes because of where I sit. And she went so quickly, that I couldn't even get down what the heck she was talking about. The powerpoint slides she printed out for us were tiny, so I couldn't read that either. She basically wants us to just read the book I guess. Since she's so stupid. I emailed her about my "complaints" about it going so quickly, so maybe she'll slow up...I doubt it though. She also gave us homework due tuesday, as well as a QUIZ being on that day! WTF??? Already? And with hw? It's retarded. I already hate that class, and I only had it for 2 days. After that I had chemistry, and that was just boring. Death by boredom. I never thought I'd say this about chem, but it's way too easy so far. Our teach goes so slowly...which most of the students like since they're clueless. -__- BUT...I was tortured! He took the whole class to do 4 equation balancing problems...I did each in about 5 seconds. I'm sure that class will get more challenging (I hope), but accounting...I want that to be easier...

Sorry. This is a really long post, ne? Well, I guess I had a lot to rant about!! I hope you don't mind! ^^;; I have some chem homework to do (for lab) that we have to email by saturday, so I should work on that soon. Then I also have chem hw due tuesday, as well as that acct stuff, and then some other things...busy, busy. Back to school, and I wish that weren't the case. I miss break already. WEEKEND HERE I COME. *hugs* Thank you sooooo much for visiting me, my sweeties! I love you guys. D; Take care~

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