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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Over-stressed me

Isn't it interesting that how easy it is to get sick when one is stressed? I felt it coming on last night around 10:50 or so. My throat started to feel kind of scratchy. Lucky me. I wake up this morning with barely any energy but someone managed to get my alarm. How do I know when I'm actually getting sick? Well when I had pnuemonia for two weeks about a year and a half ago, every time I would try to sleep my mind would start computing something. Like, I'd be able to actually PLAY pinball when I had my eyes closed. Shows my mind is working way to much I guess. So last knew I knew because in my dream....I was editing profiles for Gaia. Changing table coding and switching Background codes. I know it sounds difficult but it isn't. But thats how I knew I was sick. So the stress finally got to my body even though I've been trying to ignore it so I wouldn't ge sick. Oh, well I guess thats what I get for thinking to much. ALso the only reason I'm able to type this out right now is because I told my Mom and she gave me Tylenol, 'bubble gum' flavor. Yeah right.

Well there sin't really much else to say right now because I haven't really done anything improtant in the last 12 or so hours from my last post but I will answer a question I was asked.

From Alphonse13:
I plan on just being a Sheriff of sorts to start out with. So I can get used to the career then I want to gradually move my way up. Seeing as though you are interested in MP has me kind of interested now as well. I may try that out if my Sheriff job doesn't work out or something.(Is this an okay answer?)

Well since I'm pumped on Tylenol I'll be able to visit everyone today. But if I wasn't feeling good I would come after you guys anyway.


"I like a man that sticks to his intentions."
-Zolf Kimbley(FMA)

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