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myOtaku.com: Akane The Fox

Monday, December 20, 2004

   ~*~About Me~*~
Okay one of my friends thought it would be a good idea to post more information about myself on here. So people could know more about my personality. Plus, it would also answer some commonly asked questions. So, anyway, here it goes.

Name: Penny Yi Hosmer

Pen Name: Akane

How did you get your pen name: Me and my friend Ashley were looking through an issue of NewType magazine and found a section on some new anime series. They all had nicknames like 'Yuki the Snake'. I started calling Ashley 'Momo the Monkey', and she started calling me 'Akane the Fox'. After a while the name Akane just became stuck to me.

What is your Nationality: I'm half Korean from my mom's side. The rest of me is German, Dutch, French Canadian (I hear you laughing!), and American Indian (Blackfoot) from my dad's side.

Siblings: Two older half brothers. Ones 32 and the other is 30. We have differnet fathers, their dad died when they were 5 and 3 years old.

Where were you born: Texas

Where do you live now: Alabama (Native American for 'Surface of the SUN!')

What is it like where you live: Well let's see, it's WINTER and I'm wearing SHORTS...

Age: 16

Pets: A boxer and golden retriever mix named Gypsy.

Favorite Food: Seafood

Favorite Fruit: Strawberries

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Ice Cream! ^.^

Favorite Animal: Wolves and Foxes

Favorite Show: That's too hard! I love too many!

Favorite Color: Purple and Black

Favorite Saying: 'Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it!'

What two powers do you wish you had: Plant Controling and Aura Reading.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No one at the moment. Not really looking anyway.

Friends: Xero, Kara, and Mark

Who do you trust the most in your life: Xero and Mark.

Who seems to always be there when you need them: Mark

Have you ever had your heart broken: Yes

Have you ever lost someone close to you, who wasn't family: Yes

If so, who: My best friend Gary

Have you ever witnessed death: Yes, in the worst of ways.

Have you ever witnessed birth: Eeewwwwwww... No, and I don't want to!

Who do you live with: Both Parents

Final question, what creature represents you the best: Probably a Nine taled fox. Well, that's what Ashley says.

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