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myOtaku.com: a wit 2

Thursday, February 22, 2007

   Happy, Tired, And Dreading Tomorrow
Well today was good. my dad had to get surgery done on his hand (trigger finger i think) and my sister wan't feeling well. so i got to stay home and babysit (my mom wasn't going to bring the demon child to the hospital with her. i'm so glad i didn't have to go to school to day...

i also got to watch Madlax today, and i love it. there's this one song in it... Nowhere by Yuki Kajiuro. that song is awsome! but i can't find a downloadable version........... i want that song so badly. Yuki is the same composer/songwriter who did th music for the (hopefully) soon to be realesed Tsubasa Chronicles and the .Hack series.

i really don't want to go to school tomorrow either, the spelling teacher stuck me with all th fools in my class.

Class fools in one spot= noise = staying in class late.

i hate that class now. yesterday the whole class (not just the noisy idiots) practacly missed lunch yesterday because we had to stay late. i hope she rearranged the class (again) i hate the way it is now...

well bye everyone!

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