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myOtaku.com: ZyraZamora

Saturday, April 2, 2005

   its my birthday...
whoppee...its my birthday...ughh..it just suckd today, i just got some random corkboard and notebook from my aunt...but i got some videos from my uncle! It was the new videos of Yu Yu Hakusho! Yay! BUT IT STILL suckss..my dad wouldnt let me have a cinnamon roll unless I ate the potato salad blehh...so then he once I got my soo awesome videos, i was gonna watch them, BUT then he made me go outside for 2 hours, i lwas like this
->O.O I mean that sucks, so then my dad was "too" busy with his computer game to even eat dinner with him, so while i was looking unhappy, he guessed because that he hadnt given me a birthday present yet..i mean come on...so plus natalie not being there it kinda sucked, so hopefully it get good presents for the rest of the time...(my sister and parents are going to get my presents on thw 6th(what a birthday huh))(by the way im turning 14)

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