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Under your bed :D
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Ninja :3
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Saweena <.<
Stayed up until 7 am playing video games xD
Anime Fan Since
Forever ;D
Favorite Anime
So many D; But one I love the most is Fullmetal Alchemist <3
To marry the boy i love <3
Playing video games <.<
Hm... I can make people laguh easily :D
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/28/07:
Result Posted on 12/28/07:
... O.o
Result Posted on 12/24/07:
... O.o
Result Posted on 12/24/07:
Result Posted on 12/20/07:
YAY The first Quiz I have made!!!!!
What Sonic boy would u date? (girls only)
Result Posted on 12/20/07:
Yay The second quiz I made!!! XD
Result Posted on 12/19/07:
What Sonic Boy would want to date yoube your sweetheart?
 SONIC WOULD DATE YOU!!! Lucky gal you have Sonic chasing you around. He likes your carefree kind attitude and that your willing to help others. Though he always is saving the world, he does his best to spend time with you. <3 Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/19/07:
Spin and Kiss Sonic style (srry GRLZ ONLY!!)
 you stumble facing what you think is the dirrection "right"you're hands streatched out trying not to fall down.somehow you tripp over a outsticking carpet expect to fall on the ground but someone grabbed you before you fell down. you hear another person say "oh boy now she's gotta kiss you!!!!!" you notice that he's right and the person is not objecting... so you try to locate his face with you're hands and when you know where you kiss him on the mouth gently. this kiss makes electricity flow thru you're body and you lean in even more.when you feel a hand pull you closer by the waist you gasp allowing him to frenchkiss you!when you break apart for air you take a step back and hear Joko ask something."well?...who do you think you kissed?""i dunno but whoever kissed me is a good kisser!!" you answer.Joko takes of the blindfowl and you see Shadow smirking at you and blushing slightly!!you instantly become red like Sonic's shoes!!"WHOO SHADOW IS BLUSHING!!!" Sonic teases."WHY YOU!!!" Shadow tackles Sonic and wrestle with him on the ground.when you go home you see Shadow walking over to you asking if he could walk you home.(the rest what happens is up to you!!) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/19/07:
Spin and Kiss Sonic style (srry GRLZ ONLY!!)
 you stumble left.feeling quite attracted to that dirrection. witch you don't quite know why. you take cautious steps and you stretch you're arms out expecting someone to grab you're hands. to you're shock someone does take you're hands in his.they feel soft and warm in those hands and you immediately think you got the right raise one of you're hands to locate his face. you feel the cheek and then you're hand feels the chin. you cup the chin and give the person a huge earthcrumbling kiss. witch you thought you could never do!it felt so good that you even let him slip his tongue in. frenchkiss making a chill down you're spine.when you back off for air you take of the was Silver standing before you holding one of you're hands.Silver has had a crush on you since the first time you became friends with the Sonic gang. he has eyed you ever since.and this was his chance to lett you know.when he sat down on one of the couches he pulled you on his lap.snuggling close to him you felt this was right... even if you choose the dirrection left in the beginning! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/18/07:
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