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Under your bed :D
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Ninja :3
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Saweena <.<
Stayed up until 7 am playing video games xD
Anime Fan Since
Forever ;D
Favorite Anime
So many D; But one I love the most is Fullmetal Alchemist <3
To marry the boy i love <3
Playing video games <.<
Hm... I can make people laguh easily :D
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/26/07:
.:What character from Naruto are you?:. (20 results with pics)
 Zabuza: You are the awesome one himself, the great Zabuza Momochi. You are an amzing badass. You probably cheated to get this,though. But if you got it legit, then you're a quality guy. Only you can wear a seatbelt around your neck and make it look cool. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/14/07:
Result Posted on 03/05/07:
 | You scored as hinata. aww, what a cutie! you are hinata,(my fave character) timid, quiet and cute. you are a strong person but you dont know it yet. you are a really kind person and you always want to help but you dont want to get in the way. speak up you may find your opinion is appreciated more than you'd think.
hinata | | 75% | tenten | | 56% | sakura | | 38% | temari | | 13% |
which naruto girl are you?? created with | |
Result Posted on 02/27/07:
Which Zatch Bell mamodo are you
 You are Zatch Bell. He is the main character of the show. He lost his memory of the mamodo world so he doesn't remember his home. He uses lightning spells. His spellbook color is red. His partner is Kiyo. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/27/07:
Witch of Zatch's Spells Are You?(pics)
Result Posted on 02/27/07:
Which Zatch Bell Character are you
 TiaFirst Appearance: "Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 14.Subsequent Appearances: Episode/s 14-15,18, 21, 23, 28-30, 40, 55-60, 66-74, 76, 79-84, 86, 88-89, 91-92, 104, 108, 112, 118-121, 123, 125-127, 129-150.Status: Currently Active.Dub Name: Tia.Tio's attributes: Spiritual. Tio is 6 years old. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/27/07:
Which Naruto character would you fight most like? 20 RESULTS!
 You are Haku!Village of Origin-MistYou are feared by all, even your master. Growing up lonely because of your evil past. You are generally good hearted and only wish to please your master.Special Attack: Crystal Ice Mirrors Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/27/07:
Which Naruto character are you?(guy character, not gurls but gurls can take the quiz if they want)
 you are Uzumaki Naruto, the star of the show! though you are annoying, irratating, and you don't look as good as your team mate, you are blessed with determination and that always gives you and edge when fighting. the only thing you have to change about yourself is your irratating ness... otherwise, you're okay! as for love... well... you haven't thought about it... YET! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/27/07:
Which Naruto character is YOUR enemy? (ALL the answers and results are purely FICTIONAL except Sakura's)
 Your enemy is... SASUKE!That's it! You totally hate the way he is better than you... in everyway possible! You hate him... YOU HATE HIM!!! There is no questioning that fact of life. You never want to be rocognised as his ex-bestfriend!!!the twins have a little something to say... please rate! any dissatisfaction, email us! we changed our emails to...tina= Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/27/07:
Who Are You More Like...Sasuke,Sakura or Naruto(or my surprise character)?
 You are Naruto! You are missunderstood and that's probably why you are so miscievious and stuff. You are ignored by most because of your unusual connection to the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon and that's why you want to become something great,so that people will notice you. Most of all, you are a bit on the crazy side. So...ya! There you have it! your Naruto!! Take this quiz!
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