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Friday, July 2, 2004

how disturbingly true

Your Suicide.. by Konstantine
Your Name/Username
Favorite Number?
Favorite Color?
How will you commit suicide?You will set your house on fire and sit alone in the corner as the flames consume you
How many tries will it take?22
When will you commit suicide?February 2, 2020
What will your suicide note say?This broken heart will never mend, so never shall I breathe again
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

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You are a six-winged Halfbreed!
You belong neither to Heaven nor to Hell. You are
doomed to wander the Realms That Are In Between
for all eternity until the Judgement Day. Your
fate is absolute loneliness. You are punished
for a crime you did not commit and redemption
is not within your reach. Your powers are
unknown - it's said that a halfbreed will be
the end of everything one day. Therefore you
are feared and hated. Your only hope is to find
the other half of your soul - it is your only

What kind of supernatural being are you?
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You came from the darkness. Non-trusting, you most
likely will spend most of your life alone.

Where did you come from?
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Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Intelligence
In a survival situation, you:Fight, and enjoy it
Your hidden talent is:Pragmatism
Your gift is:Irresistible attractiveness
In groups, you:Are the center of attention
Your best quality is:Your inclusiveness
Your weakness is:Your furious temper
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

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What Kind Of Soul Do You Posess? by inuyashalkagome
Your Name:
You Are:Carefree
Your Talent:Music
Weapon You Use:Magic
In A Bad Situation, You Would:RUUUUUNNN!! o_0
Your Favorite Color:Black
People Think Of You As:Funny
Your Soul:Dark
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

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zen origatou
Love Level: 88%

Name 1:
Name 2:

From Go-Quiz.com

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Thursday, July 1, 2004

Your soul is DARK. You aren't too happy with your
life, though you may feel you should be. You're
probably solitary, pessimistic, brooding,
possibly nocturnal, but mostly a general
unknown. You might have a hidden liking for
pain and destruction, but you're probably more
masochistic that sadistic if that's true. (look
it up if you don't know what they mean!) Those
that think they know you tend to place you
closer to evil on a scale of good and evil,
which might not be true. What people see may
not be who you actually are. Some people fear
you and others mock you. What isn't really
known, though, is that you're not pure evil.
You're just a mysterious, misunderstood - and
sadly, forsaken - soul.

What Is Your Soul's Trait?
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Your soul is DARK. You aren't too happy with your
life, though you may feel you should be. You're
probably solitary, pessimistic, brooding,
possibly nocturnal, but mostly a general
unknown. You might have a hidden liking for
pain and destruction, but you're probably more
masochistic that sadistic if that's true. (look
it up if you don't know what they mean!) Those
that think they know you tend to place you
closer to evil on a scale of good and evil,
which might not be true. What people see may
not be who you actually are. Some people fear
you and others mock you. What isn't really
known, though, is that you're not pure evil.
You're just a mysterious, misunderstood - and
sadly, forsaken - soul.

What Is Your Soul's Trait?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Blue info
Your Heart is Blue

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Do you have GROOVE?
Do you own any dance cd
How about any cd
Have you ever been to a club?
Do you have GROOVE? No!
Perecent of your GROOVE - 65%
Your GROOVE item- contact lenses
This QuickKwiz by Midnight_Sunrise - Taken 67 Times.

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