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myOtaku.com: Zanthos Octavian

Friday, August 10, 2007

nice and quick
Did I ever mention that Im a god-father now? I forgot if I did. My friend and his gf had a child a month and a half ago, and he wanted me to be the god-father of the baby. It is a cute child, but I still dont see where having babies at such a young will do for you in the future. Pardon my harsh opinion there, but its just that Ive seen a lot of my friends quit school and give up on life, then have a child. I dont hate anyone at all, but it just hurts to see my friends quit like that. But I am very glad that my friend wanted to me to be the god-father. Heheh, god-father Zano..... Has a nice ring to it. Ill get on to my story now, but these next few pages will be in rough draft form, so there may still be typos in it.

We finally arrived at the section where the Virtual Adventure Simulation was at. The whole system was big. Two people can play at a time. There were two large pods in which each person would enter, and to sit down. As the two people would sit down, a special headgear/helm was electronically placed on your head. It then scanned your brain and its thought patterns, as well as neural waves. It took about one minute for this process, then you would enter the game.

There was a person standing in front of the pods. He was holding a microphone, talking to the crowd through it. He was pointing at the large screen above the pods, showing how the two people were fighting against the giant dino-bird.((a feathered dinosaur with wings and a sharp beak not a pterodactyl, no name for it yet)) This giant creature was flying down at the person kneeling on the ground while the other person was lying on the ground KO'd. The person with the mic then said, "The first person is down for the count!!" I finally recognized him as I gained a clearere view of him. It was my friend Marix Xzyavar. I remembered we first met when he was falsly accused of theft & murder and I turned in the true murderer. Meiko and I moved through to the front crowd. Marix caught sight of me nodded at me.

"Hey, the giant creature grabbed the other guy!!" One person in the crowd abruptly shouted. Marix turned around and watched as the creature flew to great heights in the sky, still holding the man. As the creature flew higher and higher, the man tried to break free, but was unable to, especially without his weapon.

I whispered to Meiko, "Heheh, this is quite the end for them."

Meiko let out a chuckle, "Yes, quite painful." At that second, the giant creature let go of the man he was holding. The giant bird was now preparing his ultimate attack. For a few seconds the bird let the man fall, staring at the of his demise. Then the bird flew at the man with incredible speed, its sharp beak pointed at him. Within what seemed like 200 feet off the ground, the giant creature's beak slightly penetrated the man's back and picked up even more speed. Within at least 20 feet from the ground, the man shouted for a short second and then him and the giant creature crashed into the ground.

I stared at the screen in amazement. Never did I see the giant bird pull off such a magnificent maneuver. I was secretly applauding for this Artificial creature. The dust & debris still filled the screen as the creature flew back into the sky. I watched as it screeched triumphantly over the battlefield. Before the dust fully cleared, the giant screen went blank, and the two pods opened. The two young men came out of the pods. They looked quite dissapointed at themselves, as well as embarrassed. Although they lost, many people started cheering for them. There was a round of applause for them and they were carried off by the crowd. There were only a few stragglers around the game.

Marix placed the mic on it's stand, then turned around to look at us. He then said excitedly, "Zanthos Octavian!! Its great to see you again good friend!"

I smiled as we shook hands, "And the same to you Marix"

Marix turned towards Meiko, "Who's your friend?"

I replied, "This is Meiko Kasagirii."

She smiled and shook hands with Marix "Its nice to meet you Marix."

Marix replied, "And you too Meiko"

I then mentioned curiously, "So what is the prize tonight?"

Marix then grinned, "So you havent heard yet?"

"No, is it big?"

Marix let out a short laugh, "You'll be suprised."

"Really? it must be alot." I was expecting at the most 10 thousand. Since prices among many things grew, so did the prizes.

Marix's smile widened. "Ready?" He delayed for suspense, "It is a whopping 500,000!!"

My eyes widened in suprise, I replied calmly, trying to contain my own excitement, " Wow, are you serious?!"

"Yes. 'They' decided to bring in all the game money for the winners. 'They' thought it would motivate someone to win."

"Well, either way tonight, Meiko and I are going to win!" I paused for a moment at looked towards Meiko" Are you ready Meiko?" She nodded with determination.

Marix said with his usual tone, "Alrighty then step up!" The pods were already opened, so I started walking towards it. I took one last look at Meiko before I stepped inside the pod. It was somewhat darkened inside and the pod door had darkened glass on it also, to prevent anyone from disturbing you. It was also sound proof to prevent the players from being distracted in the middle of the game. Before the door closed, I sat down in the seat and watched as people started gathering around again.

One person recognized me, pointed and said, "Hey, thats the guy who almost one before! Its Zanthos!"

Marix arrived next to the pod I was sitting in. He looked in to see if I was properly seated and ready. I nodded and he closed the pod door by pressing the button located right outside of it. Within a few seconds, the special headgear/helm slowly lowered itself to rest on the top of my head. What it does is its scans your brain to configure a mental image of yourself within the game, as well as determine your fighting style and which weapons you would use. Then your full body is scanned by a large ring that moves from top to bottom, then back up. This is to determine if the nevous system will be able to function properly while in the game. This process too about a minute to do. This is the 3rd time I will be attempting to win at this game. My first time was with my brother Laravent, in which that time I was KO'd halfway through the game. I was much younger then. The second time was with Tino, in which we came to meet the final boss, but was defeated quite easily. And now...... with Meiko. For those next few short moments, I was thinking how well Meiko will do in this system.

Those last few moments passed quick. The helm that was resting on my head activated its game program, sending a signal to my nervous system to close my eyes. Without my own consent, my eyes closed and the rest of my body muscles relaxed. It felt as if I was flowing through a stream, in which my mind was connecting to the game. I was ready to win now. But, little did I know, that my adventure into this game tonight would have a great impact on what happens to me soon.

Chapter 1 end

Wow, Im suprised, I just wrote my last five pages, instead of the two I promised. It was as if I enjoyed typing that in, my hands wouldnt stop^^ Oh well, I hope all enjoy, as for now Im tired and my hands are too. Matane^^


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