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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Shimata!! Not again
Once again, I jinx my damned media player. I was so close to watching the Death Note movie>_<

The audio works properly and the video plays with the audio, but it is constantly blurry and it does not keep up with the sound.

Oh and for those who want to know, I was only able to find the Death Note movie on www.veoh.com Of course you have to sign up (its free) then download the veoh player, but the Veoh player doesnt even seem to play the movie right, oh well.

Thats all Zano gots for today. Matane

-from otaku's weather freak and dark-blue wolf Zano (a.k.a Billza)

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Woot Woot!!
Well, I think Im better now, I think why I wasnt feeling good earlier was because I didnt eat anything for dinner the night before, and nothing in the morning. Sometimes I forget to eat and tend to let it slip my mind. But I still dont think thats what was making feel off track earlier. Couldnt tell what. Oh well

I finally found a workable media player that will allow me to watch the Death Note movie. Lets hope what I say right now wont jinx it at all >_< Thats all for now Laters


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Friday, June 8, 2007

Im feeling a bit off target today, I cant seem to focus, and I dont feel so well, it feels like something is wrong, but I cant tell what. Heheh, Im not necessarily in a bad mood of any sort, I just feel like crap for some reason. Well enough of me putting myself down at the moment. I hate telling others how I feel all the time. I dont have anything on my story today either, so Im behind, somewhat. Ok, so I'll write back again tomorrow^^ Matane.

-from otaku's weather freak and dark-blue wolf, Zano (a.k.a Billza)

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Azael's apartment
In my story, Azael lives in a small apartment located near the State's headquarters. Right outside his room is a coat-rack, which a good number of coats hanging on it. Why? The temperature inside his apartment is very cold, the highest he has the temperature in his apartment was 50 degrees. The lowest is yet to be thought of(maybe 10 degrees) The reason his apartment would be so cold is, that he was so use to living in the Arctic region. YOu know Roy Mustang would hate that^^

Thats all for today. I must put up with warm weather where I live for now, till it gets cooler again. I hope thats soon^^ Matane

-from otaku's weather freak and dark-blue wolf Zano (a.k.a Billza)

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Well I cant seem to remember anything about my story today. Even though I was just putting bits and pieces of it up, or just the basic information about Azael Hiyayaka. I'll put more up tomorrow if I remember.

Guess what, I got to see a Bald Eagle the other day!! I was excited, not to mention that they are on the verge of being extinct. I was enjoying a nice breeze outside when I was watching a rabbit hop across the street. There were no cars around when all of a sudden, here comes a Bald Eagle out of nowhere and SNATCHES it off the ground. It flew off and 5 minutes later aI watched it fly by my house still with the rabbit in his claws, lifeless. Oh well, thats what happens when Eagles get hungry >_<

Just thought I should tell that story. Matane^^

-from otaku's weather freak and dark-blue wolf Zano (a.k.a Billza)

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I found this story of mine hard to tie in with the series in anyway, but I kept many of the key characters in my story just in case. I still want the event of Hughes dying in my story, because that will be a major turnpoint for Azael. Realizing that the person he admired and respected most dies, Azael learns that he has to move on and continue what he originally intended to do, which was to find out about his past and his family. Since Azael was around the Hughes quite often and shared a similar intellect, he was nominated to replace Hughes in the intelligence quarters or whatever you want to call it. He then realized that this gave him an even bigger opportunity to find out what he needs. He then undergoes much research and his attitude and behavior changes quite quickly. The first to notice is Mustang, so Mustang tries to find out what Azael is up to. Azael soon learns that he cant avoid fighting with his alchemy abilities forever.

I apologize for this mess here. Im just going through my ideas and skipping parts of my story that I forget and then thinking hard to remember it. Well I hope everyone enjoys for now. ^^ Matane

-otaku's dark-blue wolf and weather freak, Zano (a.k.a Billza) I got too many names now >_<

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Monday, June 4, 2007

To add a bit more about my character, the story I started starts when he about 16 and when he joins the State Alchemists. He hides his true reason of becoming a state alchemist from all others. his reason is so he can ultimately find out why the State killed his family so harshly. Even his caretaker/butler was never allowed to say much at all. He wants to be able to find out everything that happened, but since this whole incident was so secretive, he is going to have to go through a lot of dirty work to achieve what he needs. I cant say much else right now, but I'll add more later^^ Matane

-from the Dark-blue wolf and weather freak Zano

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

I continue to be bored, but here is another part of my character info.

Azael grew up not knowing his true family, because they were murdered/killed/(or any other word) by the State Alchemist. Think of it as another Ishbal, but kept in extreme secret. Azael grew up only knowing his family caretaker/butler. THis man was like another grandfather to him, and the only man outside of Azael's deceased family that was allowed/able to use their families style of alchemy. Azael was taught almost everything of his families alchemy by this man. In the end he does not know how or why his family was slaughtered, but wishes to become a state alchemist to find out.

That's all for now, until I think of more^^ Matane

-the dark-blue wolf, Zano

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

Arctic Wind
heh, thats one of my characters nickname in a story I was working on a while back, well its more like a fanfic for Fullmetal Alchemist. I'll put the basic info about him on here for the heck of it since Im bored^^

Name: Azael Hiyayaka
Nickname: The Arctic Wind Alchemist
Age: 16
Blood Type: B
Person he admires most: Lt. Colonel Hughes
Person that picks on him too much: Edward Elric
From: the Arctic region
Alchemy specialty: The ability to manipulate water particles completely and use them to freeze, or suffocate when necessary. (more detail later)

I'll add more later, when I can think of it, or if I get the chance to^^


-from otaku's weather freak and dark-blue wolf Zano (a.k.a Billza)

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Friday, June 1, 2007

Tank is running on empty
Heh, well my past week or so has been somewhat of a bore, kinda. The only thing I can actually enjoy out of my day is when my friend would drop by. Being out of school actually sucks, then again I was mostly bored at school. Argh!! My mind is running in circles^^ heheh, Im done for now!! Matane^^

-otaku's weather freak and dark-blue wolf, Zano

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