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myOtaku.com: yuske starwind

Saturday, February 4, 2006

   yet another long absence.....bah!!!!!!
well konnichiwa everybody, how are you all doing today. i'm doing alright. it's sooooo crazy i say that i'm going to update more frequently in my last post and here a am about a million years later (i'm exagerating ^_^) posting again.odd. well n-e who nothing much has been going. i'm still currently waiting for my birthday present, yes do you all remember how long ago my birthday was lmao. it just that my dad keeps asking me what i want and i keep telling him anything having to do with yu yu hakusho and he can't remember the name. odd huh? well to be honest i'm not all that sure if i even care about getting a present at all. it seems as though waiting for a present gives me something to look forward to in this endless walts i call life. SIDE NOTE: i refere to my life as an endless walts because much like how the dance called walts has three beats so does the days of my life. ex: the three beats of happiness, anger, and sadness seem to go on in a never ending cycle. (yeah i know i totally riped that concept off of the movie gundam wing: endless walts, but who cares. be open minded people!!!! lmao)well n-e who allow me to get back to what it was i was going to say.....oh wait that was what i was going to say,lol. well then before i go i just want to say that i'm sorry for the long hiatis again. i will try to make this an everyday thing like i used to.well see ya's

-king yuske (yeah i'm a king now, heh heh heh)

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