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myOtaku.com: yugi1235

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Guestbook Entries:

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Magnus Lensherr (01/04/06)

Cool site you ahve here! It has to be one of a very small group that i have seen that actually has pokemon as its theme of choice lol ^_^
It looks good though an i just love the quote thats on it1 Heck i love your whole site is amazing!
Well i hope we can be friends and ill cya around!
PS: May the year of the giant spiders bring you much happiness and prosperity!

cameron sonic (01/02/06)

hi i am cameronsonic i see you have met my beast mate pokemonmad9 (danial) i myself has gale of darkness have you got lugia out of darkness p.s were you the one that del out of my gb

Cameron Sonic the fastess guy around

pyro master (01/02/06)

dude!! nice site yugioh rox!! GX is kickass. well gotta send ppl to the shadow realm

yamisgirl (12/04/05)


My best friend (YamiYugi1990) was telling me about you, so I wanted to check you out. She told me that you were a huge Pokemon fanatic, and yet I can see that you are one! Hehe... ^^

Well... I love your site, it looks awesome! Check out mine sometime. Buh-bye ^^


Bam,Raab,and Dico (11/03/05)

nice site you sound like a girly girl though but anyways nice site.

EdwardElricThe2nd (09/24/05)

Nihao! Como estas? n_n lol Nice sitez u gotz goinz here! w00t! I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! YAY! U R MY FRIEND NOW!!! YOU NEVER COME OFF MY LIST! n_n lol jk don't mean to sound obsessive. n_n' lol jk *sigh* yes...so drop by sometime...and please don't make fun of the hieght like most. n_n' lol YAY! Claps 4 u! n_n well drop by sometime! that'd be great! email me sometimez! ttfn! CULATER! n_n
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lions strength..."- Edward Elric

Da Fullmetal Cheerio King knowz bestiestz. do watz rite & don't do da drugz! o.o thanxiez! n_n

-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2d♣♠ ♣♠

Flufee Kitten (09/17/05)

Hiya! Welp, just saying HI and I wanted to add you as a buddy! NICE SITE! ITS CUTE!

Please come by my site!

~*~Naomi Kazuko~*~

Night shade2 (08/26/05)

I am glad you still remember me I will also add you as a friend.
Night shade

Siaras Kaiba (08/21/05)

konnichiwa...I was just snoopin' around today and ran across your site!I love your site...the colors are great!I'm gonna add ya as a friend...KK!Pm me for anything if you want...stop by my place if you want!

~Siaras Kaiba

snapspeedracer (08/19/05)

i like your
sites Bg is reall
cool and so is your avi
you sould so come by my site
some time will that about all i
can think to so bye bye

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