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myOtaku.com: Youkai Trunks

Saturday, February 26, 2005

I'm going insane! I'm STARTING TO LIKE JUUNANAGOU!!! And even more scary... I LIKE PERFECT CELL! SAVE ME!!! *pants* It's taking over me...and I'm finding more, and more yaoi around..IT'S FREAKIN' ME OUT!!! AAAH! *runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off* *pants* Okay. I'm over it.... *strange music comes up* You knnow the Para Para Brothers from Drago Ball GT? I memorized thier dance. I can dance the Bon Pa pa! It's really quite fun to do once you get the hang of it! I actually showed ladykagome309 one time I went to her place...she thought I was crazy ^_^! *dissapears for a moment* *a scream comes* NO! ARRGH! MY brother just broke my Slifer the Sky Dragon Model!!! NOOOO! @$#! #$*(^!!! ARRGH! WHAA! Ii's got fingerprints all over it's chrome wings!!! AND THEY'RE SOOOO HARD TO CLEAN!! Aww man...now that's my: Gundam Deathscythe, Gundam Deathscythe Hell, Gundam Heavyarms, and Slifer that he's broken..Is nothing I have special? He's Broken my little Chibi trunks action figure, Goku, Vegeta, He's pulled the heads off of my Sailor Moon dolls, and I only have 2 T.T which i've had only for about a year...and, He's broken my dbz videos! Hhe completely destyored all of my dvds! It just isn't fair! And here I can't watch dragon ball z in front of him cuz' it's: Way too violent, and IT'S EDITED!!! AND HE LIKES IT! And here Logan is, watching t.v. all the time! *sigh* That's enough of my rambleing... and now he just broke my Submarimon action figure..I should go XP sorry anyone who signed my guestbook, i'm really busy...

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Youkai Trunks

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