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myOtaku.com: XxForgottenxX

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

*laughs* *baby mimicking voice* looks like poor little sarah marino (SonnyCheshire) is upset! *giggles* aww...that's to bad that she has to make up such curel lies about us *tear tear* it just breaks my heart to hear so many cruel words be spoken about me and my friends. ^-^ aww...maybe she should go cry. poor little baby...she's probably really upset! oh well! not like anyone cares ^-^ hee hee!

*sudden serious face* she has a right to say what she wants and i don't let it get to me. but i also have a right to say what i want and what sarah marino is saying are all lies. every single word she spits are stupid lies just so she can make her life seem like a living hell and get more sympathy. i'll admit i'll probably never live through her pain but i have my own. the fucking world doesn't revolve around...that thing. maybe she should open up her closed eyes and take a look at the world and maybe she'll see that this world doesn't revolve around her. b/c if it did. *pretends to shoot self* we all might as well kill ourselves now. She says she hates preps when it's clear she hangs out with them like...24/7. she says she doesn't care what we think or do but why the hell does she continue to post about us?

*baby mimicking voice again* maybe she's just lonely because she has no real friends! *giggles* hee hee, that's to bad! i have real friends ^-^ and she hates the fact that we are all friends. ^-^ poor poor pitiful sarah *tear tear*

just to let u know Ms. High and Mighty that no one gives a fuck about u and u can go kill urself ^-^ ok???


welp...i had to get that off of my chest. *sighs heavily* thanks for listening!!

bye bye!!


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