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myOtaku.com: XbangXbangX

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good Evening!

Random Icon Of The Day:: Photobucket

<> What's Thumpin' In My Brain? <>
→ The Kovenant - Jihad ←

*sighs* My greatest apologize to everyone for not being around. I've actually been feeling a little under the weather and Josh is feeling the same effects. I hope we get better by Thursday!

Speaking of Thrusday, I decided to go with Zack's (Duzell's boyfriend) idea of dinner and a movie, then we'll go kick it under the stars or cuddle in bed, either way is a possibility, and they probably both will happen! =D

I do feel bad that I haven't been around for a while, and I hope that I get over this by tommorow, cuz I'm sure I'm going to end up posting what happened, or most of what happened at least! I may just keep all the nasty, delicious details to myself! XD No, I don't think I could be that mean, we'll see how it all goes!^.^

Wow has theO changed! o.O It's kinda freaking me out a little! Now the icons are gone and it's no fun anymore actually, it's kind of depressing, but I suppose that it's all necessary for Vision Vibrant though, which I'm super excited for!! Whoo! Vision Vibrant!! Ok, I'm done nerding it up....

Oh speaking of nerding it up, you know how I got my new glasses and everything, well, I put them on and I don't think I've ever seen Josh reach for my pants as fast as he did! He wouldn't let me go, so I assume that he likes them!^.^ I'm actually wearing them now, because I've been to lazy to put my contacts in and plus I need to get new contacts anyway... =/



Alexander and Josh

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