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myOtaku.com: WitchHunterfan

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What FLCL Character Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Hellsing Character Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Scryed Character Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Military Character Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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Saturday, September 24, 2005

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I know you people are going to killed me for putting a Cher song on my site but I don't care... hehehehe....
Bye *waves*
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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Friday, September 23, 2005

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Hey everyone ^_^
I have to hery, cause it's 2:30am now...
Not much happened today... like always =_=
But at let I had a good day yesterday ^_^
I'm bored right now... I want to screm (ahhhhhhhhhh) there we go... I feel better now ^_^
I need to go now...
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*
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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

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Hey everyone ^_^
What's up... was your day boring like mine?
Well... let's see... what shall I talk about... hum...
Well, I had a good day at school yesterday ^_^ today is picture... whoopie...
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*

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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

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Hey evryone ^_^
I finally got the background up ^_^ YAY!! now I need to do something else but what? *thinking*
Anyways.... the back ground and the post back ground I made... ^_^ I had time for once in my life to do that ^_^ but I might change the back ground later...
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Was your day good yesterday?
Mine was good ^_^
Except P.E. It's still like 90 degrese here... and we have to go OUTSIDE IN THAT HEAT!!!!
I want to move some where cooler... it's too hot!! *crys*
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*
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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

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Hey everyone ^_^
I did change me banner... yay... one thing done, and about hunderd more things to do =_=
I'm going to bed earlyer now ^_^ so I won't try to kill any one that wakes me up O.o
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I had a good day at school yesterday ^_^ I'm bored now....
I might change the banner again soon cause thats the only picture I could find of Alex that I liked =_=
Anyways I'll try to get to the backgroud today ^_^
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*
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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Monday, September 19, 2005

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Hey everyone ^_^
I'm chageing my site to LastExile... Alex Row.... he is my favorite character and I think he is hot like fire... So sorry Hellsing fans I'am going to LastExile ^_^
Oh... and I'll do the banner later today... I don't have enought time to do that... I might not get to the background neither -_-
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So... was ya'll's weekend good... or like mine... boreing =_=
I made some wallpapers this weekend... ^_^ Yay ^_^
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*

I didn't know where to put these...
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Who's your anime secret Admirier? (Girls only& with Pics ) by albino blackWolf
Fav. Anime
Why he Admiries you..Your clumsy, in a cute way
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

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Hey everyone ^_^
Ok... does anyone know when the Hellsing #7 manga book comes out... cause I need to know... T_T
Umm... I want to change my site around but I don't know what anime I should go to... I'm thinking about going to LastExile... but everyone doesn't like LastExile... so what anime should I go to?
If you have Yahoo messager... you YIM me if you want ^_^ I'm hellsing_hunter_fan
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*
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Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

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Hey everyone ^_^
I'm bored... is there any one thats going to watch Fullmetal Alchemist tonight... I am ^_^
I don't have much to say... so... I hope ya'll like the pictures ^_^
Well... I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*
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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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Friday, September 16, 2005

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Hey everyone ^_^
I am so glad it's Friday ^_^... So when I come home today I can stay up as late as I want intesed of doing homework... O_O
Yesterday at school was ok... but I did eat lunch at school... lunch has gotin expensive O_O $2 for regular lunch... thats wrong... We're not all rich you know... dang...
Ok... enough of that...
What's up everyone...
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*
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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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