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myOtaku.com: Wandering Soul

Friday, May 6, 2005

  wow today was such a long day.School was...ehhh...after was..interesting.Went to beach with the K.I accidently threw her shoe on the roof of the building....i didnt mean to,but i felt so bad.So then carlos calls me and tells me he wants to see me.So we walk back to her house.Of course he's trying to make it here but i had to leave, so he gets pissed at the K for nothing.WHihc i feel bad becuz now he's not talking to me.The my dad calls and tell me im grounded.wtf.Im so tired of shit.ugh.
The concert at school was great.I loved it.They all sang great.I wanted to clock rob so badly but i didnt becuz well he's a guy and he would prolly do somehting to me.I had fun though.soo tired.so i sleep.laters

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