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myOtaku.com: wandering kenshin

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Monday, August 29, 2005

Yay! New Anime Club Site and Everything!

I finally mananged to fix this sad excuse of a computer! [Yay!] Let's see what's happened lately, shall we? Well, summer school's finally done and over with. I can't believe I survived with my sanity still intact. Oh! I talked to my art teacher Mrs. Powell and I'm going to paint one of the ceiling tiles in her room! I'm going to paint it with a RuroKen pic that I love so much. It has a dark blue background with light-blue mist at the bottom to look like an ocean, and in the middle it has a katana with the Rurouni Kenshin written with kanji right next to it. It's a really cool pic that I've wanting to use for a while but I never had the chance.

After that, I got an IM request from a friend of mine asking me to make her a layout for her Live Journal blog. It has a blue/black background with visulizations of the windows media player and some pics of anime characters. The banner consists of pics from different animes such as s-CRY-ed, Witch Hunter Robin, etc. The only hard part about it is that she wanted charactewrs that are only played by Crispin Freeman. She's obsessed. If you haven't heard of this guy before, maybe you've seen or heard of some of the characters he's played:

Witch Hunter Robin: Amon

s-CRY-ed: Straight Cougar

Hellsing: Alucard

Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door [forgot character name]

DNAngel: Hiwatari Satoshi aka Hikari Satoshi

Ravemaster: General Shuda [sp?]

Rurouni Kenshin aka Samurai X: [forgot character name]

He's played in countless animes dating back to the 1980's [at least]. If you need a whole list, just ask me.Oh yeah, speaking of my friend, she went to Anime Expo on 4th of July weekend. Guess who she ran into?! Crispin Freeman AND Vic Mongyana [Sp? I can't spell his lastname]! He [Vic] wasn't supposed to be there that day! And she got his autograph!

Any more news? Yep! I typed on this blog that I'm the secretary of the anime club [club name: OtakuNation.Only known to the members] at my school, right? Well, my friend Irvin, the AC president, made the official website for it. Since I shut down M~S.net a while ago, I'm now working on getting this new site set up and runnin'! We may have a a new sponser and stuff coming in, so I'm sprucing it up to make it look good.

If you want to go to it, click on the link in my profile that says "site" [points to side of screen]. I go by a nickname that I'm sometimes called at school [Haru] there, instead of my MyO name.

Hope to see you soon [if this comp can work!]

~*Wandering K.*~

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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

   The heck is with this comp?

I'm finally back! I'm at school right now, so I'll make this quick. Nearly everything is going great this summer, except for the fact that I got in to fight with my friend. [burn in he**, Jessica!]Yep, real easy to tell I'm still pissed. I made several wallpapers um...let's see:

1 of 2 series of DNAngel
sequel to the Naruto wall


Again, I'm on the school's computer, which means it slow during summer [and old]. I've been trying to log on to this journal of mine while on my PC but I keep getting logged out. I wish I could show you some of my new wallpapers, maybe if you IM on MSN or AIM, I'll make you one. I now wish that this class could end!! These guys in my class went on earlier and they showed me this one video of a baby bird being killed in a blending machine! I tried to keep my self from gagging.

[More when I get home]

~*wandering kenshin*~

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Monday, May 23, 2005

   I now want to kill my Computer!!
Hi..I'm here...at school...AGAIN!!

I can't log in because "cookies ar e disabled" on my computer.And I don't know how to get "abled" again. I have soooo many new series of wallpapers of Naruto and DNAngel, it's not even funny! A good thing is that I'm the new secretary for the anime club at my school. Must leave now....BYE!

~*Wandering K.*~

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

You guys actually like my new wallapers? I'm so glad!I'm finishing up a new one for the club president of the anime club at my school. it's a Naruto/Kingdom Hearts one that'll only do...it'll hopefully keep him from taking my binder, which is filled with KH ...he's obsessed..

~*Wandering K.*~

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I'm back....or not?
hi everyone! I'm at the scholl's computer, so I'll make this quick. I haven't been able to do anything since I moved and, well, my ISP kinda died on me. [at the worst time too,eh?]Please forgive me. I have several wallpapers already set and ready for submission. Right now I'm praying that my ISP gets back online today [there's a slight chance] and update.


~*Wandering K.*~

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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

   I can't believe it....
A few more days...[sigh] Until I move. I'm glad that I'm staying in the same school district so I'd be able to see my friends, but I'mgoing to miss my neighborhood. I was supposed to move in March 1-7, but it ended up changing into a week earlier.

One of the good things: I get my own coputer room and away from my mom in the kitchen!^^ So it's like I have 2 bedrooms since I am always on the computer. I got more say in what the color is too [for the walls].^^ It's a 5-bedroom house and there is only 2 people [3 if you count my sister who might end up living in an apartment next year for her college classes.] Still, I'm gonna miss this place.

~*Wandering K.*~

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Monday, February 7, 2005

   Just Wondering: What's More Evil?
Hello Everyone! I'm sick at home [it's 10:22 a.m.], I got sent home early today. However, there is always good and bad news [T-T]

The Good News: I can work on my site in peace and get something done for once in my life.

The Bad News: My site is still in downtime zone. STILL! I think I should find another host or something.

Anyways, if I can put this new music up, see if you can guess what the song is. I have a feeling that a few of my friends will ask me where I got this song. Oh well.

Bye and guess the song!

~*Wandering K.*~

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Friday, January 21, 2005

   Hello Everyone... Crap, I can't update.
Hi everyone! Finals are over and done with! [parties] Well, this officially sucks. I finally have time to update my domain, but yet there's some downtime! Is there such a thing as the 'Cyber Plague'?

I'm serious, everything electronic has been messing up bigtime here.

First, the security and electricity has been going off and on for hours yesterday at my mom's work. Second, my friend's computer has a mind of it's own when it comes to going up to the internet [I was at her house for the week, that explains why I know.] Third, my mom and I were at the store when all of a sudden the lights go out! Everything went out [registers, freezers, etc....]. It took 45 minutes for things to get back up and running, not to mention that that wasn't the only store. 800 businesses were out of power! I was thinking about what kind of chaos was going on at the mall if the power was out.^^

I have this real funny link for you Inuyasha fans out there. It's called Inuyasha in a Nutshell. There's another link of it on my domain...if you guys can get to it! Downtime sucks, and any webmastewr would definately agree with me there.

Link: http://www.deviantart.com/view/13034303

~*Wandering K.*~

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Friday, January 7, 2005

   Yes! I am Alive!
I'm finally back, hello everyone! I'm sorry, but I haven't been on in a while...that and I've been obseesed with beating KH. I did, and in an impressive time too. It was : 5 Days, 21 Hours, and 13 minutes!^^ I started on Christmas Eve and ended on New Year's Eve. I've been playing FFX as well, with no such luck [Blitzball is hard!].

I'm currently working on my site [again], a wallpaper request, and catching up on what I missed.

Right now, I'm currently playing Green Day's 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' and 'American Idiot'. Testing is almost two weeks away! It was normally the last week of January, but the District has decided to move it up a week! They are freakin' evil, I swear!

Eh, enough ranting...I want to play Blitzball now and kick Sin's butt! Maybe later...bleh.. Oh, can I ask for your opinion on this?

OKay, I'm making a shirt-design for my Graphic Arts class as a reward for finishing all of my projects on time. The things is, I can make any design that I can think of, and I don't know what to use. Can I get some help, please? You guys rock!

~*Wandering K.*~

PS: I finally got the new IY game!YAY!

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Friday, December 3, 2004

   Can You Say "Headache"?
I'm in a really bad mood right now. I don't even want to play loud music, not even Metallica. *Thinks* Now I know something is wrong. For me to not play Metallica is like not eating.

I'm pissed at my friend Aracelli right now because of what happened at school. What happened? Simple. It's cause of her I have the headache of the millenium.

It was lunch at my school and I was hanging out with my friends [Daniel (who ditched just to see his girlfriend!), Brianna (the girlfriend), Aracelli, Josie, Jessica, Diana, Scott, Amanda, and Juanita] and everything was fine as usual. Utnil Amanda got sugar-high and it got kinda crazy.^^ it was so much fun.

That was when it happened. Aracelli thought it'd be cute to jump on me with my back turned or a "surprise attck" if you want to call it that. WRONG!!!Instead, I got pulled to the ground from the unexpected weight and hit the right side of my head. What could make it worse? I almost got insulted by Seniors! I was about ready to F****** kill her! She knew that I was really pissed at her and backed off. It was smart of her that she did. And they thought that me getting sugar-high was scary.

Normally, I'm the calm one that tries to keep everything under control, but all of hell broke loose when she did that. NOTE: Never make anyone who is known to beat the crap out of someone mad. That's just asking for it. I hope this doen't turn into a concussion or something. It hurts like hell still, and this was nearly eight hours ago!

~*Wandering K.*~

PS: 20 more days left until my 15th birthday!^^Yay!

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