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myOtaku.com: twilight samurai

Friday, November 2, 2007

Hey you guys! Wow! I don't think I've ever had so many come by and leave nifty comments. Thanks a bunch! *hugs everyone* I love hearing from you all. I must say... A lot of you all posted yesterday! It was amazing to see so much blue in the backroom. ^_^

New Month, New Theme
As you may notice, I changed my theme to Wolf's Rain. It feels funny not having Bleach up anymore, but that's okay. I still think that series rocks... Speaking of Bleach, are any more episodes going to air? I hope so. T_T
Anyway, I thought I'd choose Wolf's Rain since I don't really see it a lot around here. Plus, it's a bit of a change from the hard-core, red, black and darkness of my previous layout. ^^ Ya like?

I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween. From reading a majority of your posts, you all had a blast last night! Awesome. XD Some of you should post up some pics of your costumes! Like Iruka Sensei and her Devilish costume... Kimmeh with her Tamari costume... And others that sounded so cool... Hey, I'll be visiting you all! *points at everybody*

You know, that reminds me of a time that I wore a costume while in Africa! We were doing a skit in front of some kids, and I was picked to be the Devil. However, this wasn't your normal devil with horns and a pitch fork. No, I was a tutu-wearing, parrot-winged, piggy wielding a sword. It was a sad sight to behold, but the kids loved it. I wish I had pics...

Things to Do
Ah. Tomorrow, no, today I have no school or work! Yeehaw! I'm so glad. Now I can use the day off to do some necessary things, such as:

-Do some household chores
-Go to school to train my ear some more *shakes head* ^^;
-Buy my friend her bridal shower gift - canisters for flour, sugar, etc. ^^ To Bed, Bath and Beyooonond...
-Something else, but it slips my mind as of right now...

Name for My Game
You guys did great with naming that anime character! It was Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist. So those of you who got it can pat yourselves on the back. *big smile*

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye

Before I continue with today's new "Unknown," I need your help. It's rather small and trivial, but I like to involve you all somehow. Anywho, can you all come up with a little name for this game of mine? Nothing is coming to mind... so I need your creativity! If you would, give me your choice(s) via PM or in your comment. I'll go through them and use the one that sounds best. ^^

OK, here's today's new Unknown:

Who Am I?

All righty then. I'll end things there. It's roughly 12:30 as I'm typing this post. *yawns* Good thing I can sleep in... Bad thing is that I won't touch coffee for fear of becoming addicted! O_o Strange? Me? Yes...

Toodles! *hugs*

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