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myOtaku.com: twilight samurai

Friday, October 26, 2007


Wow! I normally don't get that many comments, but my last post has to be a record! 3! ^^ It's all good. I can't blame a lot of you all since I haven't been able to come around much.
Lately, I've been feeling really tired. Plus, things between my mom and me are a bit shaky. *rubs temples*

Bloody Mid-terms
I only had one mid-term to take: a Music Theory 3 test. It was actually broken up into 2 sections: one was written while the other was an aural exam.
Yesterday, we finally got our results back... I swear, our teacher must've gone through 2 red pens in the course of the 8 tests. Hence, I say "Bloody Mid-terms" in my title. Ironically, despite the amount of red on my written section, I got the highest grade. XP Still wasn't that great... and don't even ask me about my aural. I feel tone deaf or something. *laughs* Gotta work on that Auralia...

That's what my mom told me yesterday morning. I had just gotten back from riding with my dad to the hospital. On a brief side not: My dad went to the hospital to get his knee operated on. On both knees, he has 2 bone spurs, which produce a good amount of pain. So he finally is getting something done about them. He'll get his other knee operated on in a couple weeks.
Ok, so back to my mom. I came home with intentions of running inside to grab my iPod. Well, my mom must've heard me: she comes out and just says, "Did you clean your room?" (She left a note on my bed the other night to do so...) I told I hadn't yet but would get to it. "NO! You're going to clean it now!" However, I wanted to go to school early today to do some testings. "NOPE! NOW!" *shakes head*
Since I didn't want to get into an argument, I did as I was told. *shrugs* For the first few minutes, I was grumbling to myself and thinking of some not-so-nice things... But further along in the project, I began to enjoy it. I swear, in those 3 hours, my rooms looks completely different. I actually have a floor! Imagine that!!

And you know what? The whole friction began when I told my mom that all her jackets were on the coat rack, i.e. my dad and I had no where to put ours! Go figure. Someone explain to me how mole hills become mountains?

Too Much Caffeine?
I'm going to post up that video again. It's with that really hyper fellow from our church. He's not a teacher or anything, though he does have a Ph.D. O_o Yeah, I know... XD

By the way, his 2 favorite beverages are coffee and more coffee. No such thing as decaf to him. If the video doesn't work, let me know. I'm posting this at work and can't see the video myself. If it is quirky, I'll fix it at home.

Something New to Do
Something just came to mind the other night, so I thought I'd try it. Ok, here it is:
I'm going to put up a pic of an anime, or part of one, and you all try to identify it, who or what it is. Let's see how sharp you are. ^^

There's no prize or anything, and all are welcome to give it a shot. You can think of it has an anime quizzy, to keep you on top of your favorite anime.

With that, I shall say my good-byes. Take care everyone! I'll try to visit some time today! *hugs* You're the bestest! XD

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