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myOtaku.com: twilight samurai

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Greetings, everyone! I was able to make it to a number of sites yesterday, but if I didn't make it to yours, I'm sorry about that. ^^'

Yesterday, I wound up staying at the college ALL day. Well, most of the day: 12 in the afternoon to 9 at night. I have an evening course at 7 and thought it wise to just stay on campus to save some gas. It was all right. I ended up in the gym for an hour and a half, which was nice: I'm sooo out of shape. My legs are feeling the bittersweet aftermath of the treadmill. Then I headed for the computer lab and checked out some of your sites.

On My Mind Lately...
My time at the community college is winding down, so I need to start looking into other colleges. For those who don't know, community colleges are your "2-year" colleges that provide people with a lot of the basic education that can be used to transfer to your "4-year" college. They're typically cheaper yet still offer the same material that other colleges would accept.
Anyway, I got to thinking about what I would have to do to enter another college/university as a Music major. As I spoke to another classmate, he mentioned auditions for entry. Immediately, my mind panicked. I loathe auditions and dread playing in front of people. It's my pride/fear quite frankly. It pains me whenever I make a mistake in ANYTHING. Yeah, I've got issues, don't I? ^^;
So I might get an Associates in Music and leave it at that. Then I will go to another college to start something else, maybe business related. I don't know... I need some counsel or something! *sobs*

Outer Banks
Oye.. I'm looking forward to this week-long vacation. I think it'll give me time to contemplate my future some. Also, I'll be able to sleep! Hahaha...
There's going to be, let's see... *counts on fingers and toes* roughly 30 people going. That's almost 40% of our church that'll be going there. On one hand, that's cool that so many are going, but in another way, I don't want to be around them every day all day long. *shakes head*
I'll be taking a camera, so I'll post them up when I come back. Wheee!

Jim Carrey
Lol! I had no idea you all adored Jim like I did. Maybe not "adored," but still... ^^
MissFantasyGirl, I did know that Jim used to be on that show, In Living Color. Man, that was a hilarious show! That's how a lot of those guys made it big - was with that show.
My favorite movies with Jim Carrey include:

- Liar Liar
- Aventura: Pet Detective 1&2
- Dumb and Dumber
- The Mask and more!

So I shall wrap things up with a little pic I found. ^^


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