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myOtaku.com: twilight samurai

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well howdy-doo, everyone! I'm posting nearly 2 in the morning since I'm not going to have much time later on to do it. I hope I can still come and visit later on. Plus, I joined Kitabug's newly founded club: Dragons of Heaven or of Earth! I'm a Dragon of Earth. Wheeeee! Maybe you should join and get a pretty banner from Kita!

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ElvesAteMyRamen, I was in Africa, specifically Kenya, when my foot fell into that toilet! Is China any better? Fortunately I had shoes on or else I could've died... >_<

Le Kun, I agree with you: spiders themselves aren't so bad - it's their webs! I freak out when they cling to my face... *shrieks*

Speaking of spiders... LS, you're a cruel, cruel person with your fists of doom! heehee Try killin' Magnus's spiders... Yeah. Thought so... n_o And you're also right: some teachers enjoy seeing their students squirm under their thumb.

Bed-Stuy, Yensid, and Knight Edge... You all have never had a blister on your hand or a canker sore in your mouth?! Count your blessings... There's two already!

Moving on...
From what I could tell, a lot of you all had a very enjoyable Mother's Day. Good for you! ^_^ I won't go into great detail, but if you couldn't tell already, mine was a bit BLAH. Right now, it's my dad and I against my mom. I don't think she's doing well: she suffers with pain and aches and allows them to get to her. She's pretty much angry at her pain and at God; thus, she reacts against us, and it just doesn't do the family any good. -___-'

But, I can't allow the circumstances affect me. That is to say, no matter how trying things get with my mom, I'm still need to love her. Heck! I admit it: it's hard loving someone who acts so unloveable. *sighs* But it's not impossible.


Tomorrow...no, wait. Later on today, after I get some rest(!), I'll head over to my buddy's house. Then, we'll head toward T.G.I.F.'s to meet up with another friend for lunch. After that... well, I have no clue. Heh. I pretty much tell my friends that they should come up with something to do. I'm just the chauffeur. ^_^ I don't mind... Just give me gas money! lol

Maybe I could prepare for an upcoming formal. I'm going to try to fit a dress I haven't worn since 9th grade! lol I'm glad I'm Asian... *looks around* What?! Asians are typically tiny people. heehee Recently, I weighed myself on a nifty, hi-tech scale: I'm about 116 lb. and 19% body fat. That's after I ate 3 plates of shrimp alfredo too! I'm a piggy! *oink oink* Ok, I'm going on bunny trails now... *slaps self awake*

Ok, I promise I'm nearing the end. ^^; I just want to tell you all a few more things... *big grin*

About 4 hours ago, I found out all my grades this past semester: straight A's! 3.949 GPA! Yay!! But because I'm Asian, I have brains but no groove, so I looked for something or someone else who does. This is what I found:

Ok, it was this or a dancing bunny. I found MJ to be much funnier! LOL. *pauses* Does anyone else find this a tad bit creepy? O_O Also, I found out that I might have a job interview sometime soon: I need to make dinero! *more dancing* ^^

All righty then! Now, I'll end with a Quick Q.

What's "home" to you? Or what should "home" be in your perspective?

With that, I end this post. *bows* Later all and have a super day! *boogies away to bed*

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