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myOtaku.com: tsunadeichigo10

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

   Hallo Peoples!!
Its been like a trillion years since iv been on this... i know not alot of people will look at this but oh well!! Well, since i was gone alotof things have happend like good and bad! Here ill go in order for it!
1. BAD- Me and my crush didnt get into the same resess.lunch,or class
2.BAD- I have a terrrible homeroom teacher! She makes us have 3-4 quizes a week! Just from her!And always 2 projects going at once!
3.GOOD- My crush asked me out and now we are bf and gf! ( On oct. 9 cousins b-day)
4.GOOD- I Had a halloween party on oct. 17
5.GOOD- On activity night (1 week after halloween party) Danny (boy friend) hugged me!
6.BAD- I met this EXTREMLY anoing guy named Chris! He is so anoing!!!
7.I went to the football game( Nov. 7) and Danny kissed me....
8.OK- My friend Audrey and Chris are dating!( 1 week ago)
9. They brok up 2 days after.... it was very weird..!

Oh yeah! I forgot! My comic Ring Rush is AWSOME!!! (well everybody says i should publish it!) Its NOTHING like stupid Sorcerers i made up last yeer! Its SO much more advanced! My drawing are actually now as good as the professionals! well the ones iv been doing today that are not on this website.. Well thats all iv gat to say! im gunna go IM my cousin!

~T-chan! >.<

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