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myOtaku.com: Tsuki Tsumetai

Monday, August 21, 2006

We're all mad here
Well the first day of school is over with. I think it went really great. I really enjoyed art this morning ^.^ It was great. Also having TehOneRing in my English 2 and World History class is very exciting ^o^ Though the only thing I don't like is that I don't have anyone to talk to at lunch. It sucks so much ;-;

Another crappy thing that happened is that my monthly cycle decides to come right in the middle of the day. So after lunch the rest of my classes I didn't really pay attention in because I hurt really badly. Which made me sad, because I wanted to enjoy my time in my new classes.

Well I really hurt right now so I'm going to go. I'll try and fill you guys in more later. Oh! And thank you for everyone who commented on my last journal entry and for TehOneRing on giving me some more good advice ^-^

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