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myOtaku.com: Trashtic Plashbag

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Im really sorry I haven{t been able to post, I was going to post on sunday, but he fires kinda stopped me from it. We had to evacuate, and I went down to ocotillo, and no one down there has a computer. I was never so friggin scared in my life, with seeing the fire burning on the hills down the highway from my house...

Anyways. I saw the video for Dir En Greys new single DOZING GREEN It was so awesome. check it out.

You have to love them, especially in their anti abortion song, Obscure.

Im sorry I cant put in any symbols like apostrophe or anything, as this computer is in spanish, and the only thing Tht at know where it is is the comma and the perios. XD anyways. So, schools out for a week because the air quality is so bad. I have literally nothing to do. All my friends arent back yet from evacution because they lived in Eastlake, near The Woods, and that area actually burned... poor eriel Ill try to post more on my ultra megally boring life. oh, and heres a picture of my cat. enjoy.

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