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myOtaku.com: Trashtic Plashbag

Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm so insulted...
I got called cold today '~_~' It was sooo uncalled for! I'm always like that...anyways, I've noticed my...friend hasn't been posting in a while *cough*Sincerey*cough* and I'm wondering why...but if anything, she propably lost interest in what little anime she liked and moved on. Anyways...

My heart was broken due to another concert change...Distubed, it turns out itsn't playing at ozzfest...I'm upset, I wanted to see David Draiman in person since my dreams were slashed of seeing Kyo strip on stage *snicker* so yeah...today hasn't been very nice, but I'm going to the beach tomarrow, since it hasn't rained in a while and the Tijuana river hasn't overflowed XD so yeah.

I'm actually happy about something, the weather has been really nice, upper eighties and high seventies has been the average...I love it, I don't like it the middle temperatures, I'm a desert rat, I've always loved the desert, Ocotillo, and Glamice in particualar, well, TTFN

TtTTtTtTttarRRRrRa? stubborn? nah, I'm an ass ^-^

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