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myOtaku.com: Trashtic Plashbag

Monday, May 7, 2007

The story previously mentioned...it's not finished, at least chapter 1 isn't
Riley slowly walked down the high school hall, it was in between classes, so the hall was just a din of laughter footsteps, and talking. No one noticed, or played any attention to the modest girl walking. No one ever did. A close group of friends was all she had to hang on to; a family served no ground in her life.
No one paid any attention, even when her arm was stained red from the blood the fell from the fresh cuts of a compass. Walking down that long hallway crowded with bodies, an empty shell was nothing. People scattered off to their classes, she was always the last one out of the hall.
“They’re just like cockroaches, scurrying away…”she thought to herself.
Tied up in her thoughts, she walked straight into a fight between one of the local gangs and the newest addition to the school. The new kid had tan skin, icy blue eyes, and jet-black hair that was darker than midnight with snow colored tips. His face looked like it was carved by angels, with a perfectly straight nose, and arched eyebrows that would make the worlds top models stare.
“What, you come here to our territory, and think you can get away without meeting us? That’s bad manners kid,” the leader stated in cool contempt.
The new kid just eyed him, not saying anything, standing rock steady, all six feet of his muscled body tensed, and ready for action.
“Not going to say anything?” The leader spat viciously, losing his temper.
On of the minions stepped forward, his knuckles popping as he pressed his hands together, preparing to fight, followed by the third member.
Riley had stopped about ten feet behind the thugs, and was staring absently at the scene. So she was late for class again, she was always late for this class; it was on the other side of the school.
The second thug stepped forward, swing his fist towards the victim, gaining momentum as he moved. The new kid, side-stepped casually, and brought his fist down on the back of the thugs neck as the third lunged forward, almost tripping over his now unconscious comrade The defender thrust his fist up underneath the third thugs rib cage, causing the leader to flee.
Riley stood in shock of the brutality of the scene. She stared in awe that this teenager, not much older than her, took down two senior thugs, without even taking one of his hands out of his pocket.
“Dyrnim, is my name,” he said calmly. He had a strange accent, like an odd mix between German and Japanese.
She hadn’t seen anything so brutal since her father had beaten her twin brother, Kyle unconscious and bloody. She was in shock, reliving moments of her past she had wished to forget.
By the time she came back to reality Dyrnim was gone, and the thugs were
coming around, a pool of blood in front of one, while still coughing up more. She ran.
She fled to the only place where she knew sanctuary, the library. It’s quiet embrace
brought her silence and peace of mind. She flew down the still streets, to the stone steps
that led up to the glass double doors.
Tears streaming down her face, she ran to the very back of the library where the
oldest novels were kept. As she walked, the shadows among the shelves danced and
leapt among the dusty tomes, like panthers stalking their prey. It seemed as though they
were following her through the shelves. She kept walking, her nerves already calming
down, to the seating area, grabbed the thickest book she could see, and flopped down on
the dusty sofa, and began to read. She lost herself in the text, immersing herself in the
story, page after page.
Dusk was setting in, and Riley felt the weight of hours of reading on her eyes
She set down the lengthy novel, and stood up. She nearly fell back down. Dyrnim was
sitting, very calmly, in front of her, watching with those icy blue eyes.
Riley nearly screamed, but, instead, she fell back onto the sofa, hyperventilating
at an alarming rate.
“Riley, you need to go home,” he said.
Riley stared in disbelief.
“I don’t have to be home until seven…” she stated cautiously.
Dyrnim looked slightly annoyed. “You don’t know where you come from do you?”
“I come from Seattle Washington. My parents come from Missouri. What else should I know?”
“They aren’t your real parents,” he replied bluntly.
She stared in disbelief.
“Haven’t you always been able to do things you can’t explain, been able to tell
what people are thinking, what is going to happen,” he asked, like he already knew the
“Y-yeah…how did you know this?” Riley was getting light headed, unable to get
control of her breathing.
“You’re not from this world. Your father came from another world, that is now
dying because it’s lost it’s life. Your blood. The life-stream for the planer is missing, and
it needs to return. You’re father fled the royal persecution to this, filthy world, away from
his life in the palace, and to protect his children.”
Riley looked Dyrnim straight in the eye. He wasn’t lying. She couldn’t take
anymore, and physically, her body was starving, and mentally, she was stressed out. She
passed out, on the spot. Her lean form fell over on the sofa. Dyrnim stared for a little at
the unconscious form on the sofa, and smiled, a secretive smile.

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