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myOtaku.com: Trashtic Plashbag

Monday, April 30, 2007

   Crying helps no one, I must fight!
Bleh, So Dir En Grey's going on tour, and they'll be in Los Angeles on September 28, but, I can't go...L.A. is only like two hours away, but because of the fact that my dad hate's the neighborhood, I con't go, Bbut I wanna see Kyo and Toshiya in person, not just on internet!!! I seriously don't know how I'm going to break this to my friends...I've been looking forward to this since forever...and I've died a little inside.

*sighs* okay, enough focusing on the bad, and I am literally tearing up right now.

I am getting a bunch of new music by of course: Dir En Grey<33333, Lamb of God, A7X, Job For a Cowboy, ring me the Horizon, and another band whose name eludes me right now...some other darker rock band...so, yay friends with not AO-hell. -_-

Forver ignorant and determined, Tara

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