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myOtaku.com: Tien-kun

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Guestbook Entries:

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tiggerola (09/18/07)

I just have to ask, w/ your username being TIEN-kun and being an animefan since seeing Goku...do you like Tien from DBZ? I ask because I'm a fan of Tien's eng VA. Oh, but your profile says you're from Finland, are you familiar w/ the American FUNimation version?

Moniquiu (08/31/06)

WOW! Finally I found the owner of the Howls' fan art. You got a pretty nice talent! I wish I could draw like you... Well you have a nice site, and amazing fan arts!! The one i use in my wallpaper I found it in deviantart.com It was the best of the best.

Well take care, and see you around.


violet mage (05/26/06)

OMG!! I just love your artwork and I bet one day we'll see a anime done by you in the future!Hope you to see more from you
~Violet Mage
P.S I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend!

wolfzone (04/02/06)

i like inuyasha 2.i also like the picture at the top of the site. i like wolves.

chikki (03/12/06)

^__^ Your art is grooovey, baby! lol
Well, anyway, just came to say that and : HI!
Take care and have fun!

Hot Cocoa (03/10/06)

HOLY COW!!! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GUD!!!!! People might think that avi is from an anime, but NO. its yours. THAT JUST KICKS ASS!!! Well...sorry to bother you. PLEZ sign my gb....byeZ


YugiGrl1991 (02/14/06)

Hi!! your art is amazing!!! Oh!!!!!! srry, Im Alex! and i love Trunks!!! (DBZ.) Im adding u as a friend. come visit my site sometime, maybe we can be friends. Cya!!!

PatienceAngel (01/13/06)

I was looking at your work and thought I would let ya know that it is totally awesome! Your style is so unique. I really like your orignal's, but youir fan work is just as equally impressive. What is your technique? Do you sketch and use a type of photoshop? Or is it all computer anime? Well, whatever your technique is, keep it up! I look forward to seeing more of your work. :)

Shinto Sakata (01/13/06)

Hello i love your art its soo well done.....i thought ide come check out your site and well its really nice! ^^ Wai!!!! Anywasy ill add ya as a freind....hehe bu bye!!!

lilflaregymnast83 (12/27/05)

hey wats up
love da site
i saw some of your fan art
its really good!!
well i added u as my friend hope u dont mind
so drop by my site sometimes and sign my gb will u?
ummm ttyl bye

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