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myOtaku.com: theblackERspot

Saturday, January 5, 2008

   Stressful Month
Well, we only had a thursday/friday week of school due to christmas break. However, it only took two short days to realize just how stressfull this month is going to be! We have midterms and a research report that i didn't even start on! well, thats sort of y fault i guess, but im still freaking out right now. On top of that I have a bunch of homework due and a calc test on monday which I'm hoping will be moved to tuesday cuz i need more review. But our teacher gave us a CRAP LOAD of problems! This is the only day I have to get it done too beacuase my birhtday party is tommorow. My actual birthday is onthe 8th though. So anyway, there is a brief outlook into my hectic life. I don't expect to get much manga done untill february. All I have to do is survive january!

On the brighter side, my sis and I went to emily-chan's house last night and watched anime and stuff. We stayed up really late though, so now I'm beat. It was a lot of fun anyways.
So I have new animes that I discovered! Yay! They are:
Sayonara Zetsuba Sensei

I really like all of these, except FLCL and Sayonara Zetsuba Sensei are really wierd. But the animation is spectacular.
As for manga I have been re-kindleing my love for Ruruouni Kenshin. I haven't read that in a while, so it was so much fun to read again ^-^.

well, I hope you all didn't mind a tediously long post!

have fun otaku-ing!

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