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myOtaku.com: terra

Monday, December 22, 2003

strange effects.

You know, my hits increase way more when I don't update this page. People sure are strange. :P Just kidding. Well, not really, people really are strange, but ...


Anyway, thanks for all the kind words about my studying abroad. I do think it'll be a fun experience, but it was an emotional last week as I was packing up to go home (hm, as I said in my last post, oops). Looking around my empty room was sad, except that I had kind of spent the previous two hours frantically throwing everything in it into a box or bag and I was worrying about how incredibly dusty it was and if I would get fined by the custodial staff for leaving the room so completely dirty. But other than that. It was sad. Really.

I drove home in a record two hours, though, which was incredibly nice. (The drive is usually about two and a half hours, and can be up to three and a half or four with traffic.) There was no traffic, but still, two hours is really, really short. (I drove my boyfriend home as well, and when his dad heard we were back already he said, "She drove too fast, didn't she.")

I saw LOTR on Saturday (before I got back home) and, obviously, really enjoyed it. It really is amazing that the director was able to direct three good, epic movies in a row. Right afterwards, I told my friends that I thought it was good, but really too long and I had no urge to watch any of them again, and probably wouldn't for about ten years.

When I walked in the door to my house my parents were watching LOTR weekend on Starz! (a movie channel), so I sat there and watched the first and second movies for about six more hours. :-D Oops. It was really cool, though, watching them all in a short span like that made everything clear (also, having to explain everything to my parents six times even though they too had already seen all three movies helped clarify things in my mind). I was really impressed with how they did the love story between Aragorn and Arwen, though ... and am tempted to say it was better than how Tolkien wrote it. I think Tolkien probably had all of it in his head very clearly, but didn't portray it as clearly in the book because he kind of assumed the readers would know about it; I don't think the movies changed the essence of what Tolkien was thinking of at all, which I was really impressed with.

Also over the weekend I watched Hellsing. I've decided that I need to get used to the fact that anime never or hardly ever has a satisfying conclusion, but merely leaves things completely up in the air, twisted around and around itself, and confused. Hellsing did have a decent conclusion to its storyline, but there were bigger overarching questions that never got answered. I read they were planning on making a second season which didn't pan out, which may be part of the reason -- but I think it's just something I have to accept. Pity, as I think conclusions are the most important parts of any story ... but oh well. It was still a good series, definitely gorgeous animation and very cool character design, and the story that did get told and completed was assuredly worth it. Yay!

All right, this may be one of my longest posts ever. Time to take a shower.

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