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myOtaku.com: Takara Sohma

Saturday, December 25, 2004

   Life? Ha! What life?
Doin' nothing, nope, nothin'. As usual. Mom and Keith are getting ready to go to his mom's for their Christmas thing while I sit in my room typing this. As soon as they leave I am SO watching The Return of the King. I got the extended version for Christmas. he he. Aragorn goodness. ; )

I have about 40 pages left in The Riddle of the Wren, so I'm gonna finish that today too. Not too bad a book. If nothing else de Lint put a lot of thought into the plot (he pretty much made up his own worlds and gods and goddesses and such) and once you get past the first few pages the writing isn't bad either. Very good imagry and detail.

My next fanfic venture: Krista Perry's Ranma 1/2 fanfic Hearts of Ice. Very good, very long, and, like most of KP's work, unfinished. *sighs* Love her work, adore it, but I wish she would finish something! Here Comes a Candle in particular.
Not that I finish anything either. I haven't even finished reading Light of the Snow Red Village, The Prince of Snows, Beast, or Hearts of Ice. All beautifully written fics, but so very long. I have to be in a particular mood to read them - or sleep deprived, I've noticed.

All right. I have bored you enough, so now I'm off to bore someone else!

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