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Saturday, December 9, 2006

hi again! We are going to start with pouting then go to good part of week.
Yesterday, We were supposed to have a concert during 3rd period (after my nursing class). I talked with my teacher wednesday and he said i could sing at the concert 3rd period without going to the nursing home but the day came and he made me go back to class saying i got tooken off the list. *glares* So i only got to sing in two Christmas concerts this year *cries*

Ok, on to good part of week
Saturday (not today) we had the Kris Kindle Mart, It is one of the only big things that happens in my town, second only to Rabbit Fest. They have lots of food and stands with different stuff they sell. I tried my first kinder egg (even though i am from Germany) It is a really good chocolate egg with one coating of white chocolate covered by milk chocolate and inside is a little toy- i got a monkey- it was really cute. Then we went and sang. We sang Shepards Saw A Star, The Holly Ivy, and I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause. We messed up our dancing but it was really fun. Then we asked the audience to join in and did some caroling, that was a blast. After that we went to the Christmas Parade, it was the first night time parade (theey usually have the parade before the singing starts) and there was lots of pretty floats with lights on them.
Wednesday, I stayed after school for choir practice and we decorated out audieturium where we would sing thursday.
Thursday morning we had senoir panaramic (sp?) pictures and it was freezing! Thursday afternoon we had our concert and same the 3 same songs. It was fun and we sounded better than on saturday. After the concert I was stuck on guard duty. We did a fundraister where we sold pointsettas( i will just call them flowers to save time) and i had to take them from the choir room to the lobby of the aud. I had help from two people but we had to go around the building (it was still freezing!) because other choirs were singing inside. Once we got them all inside me and one other person had to guard them so that people would not just walk off with one. We handed them out to the choir members who sold them and they handed them out to the people they sold them to. I got all of mine given to the people that bought them after school except for three that i have to plant-sit this weekend. I am praying they dont die becuase my plants always die
Friday, I did not go to the nursing home and aparantly we were suppossed to go to the hospital (the morge) wednesday but no one looked at their schedules, i looked at mine but not the date since we always go on thursday or friday, well i already told my choir teacher that i was not going to the nursing home so i went to Labor and Delivery. I saw a C-section and that was pretty cool. They took the baby out and it was so cute! We followed the baby around through its stages-birth, cleaning, heating, weighing, measuring and it was so sweet. The daddy was so happy. So I am glad I went to the hospital

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Friday, December 1, 2006

Merry Christmas!
Just kidding, it feels like it. It has been really cold here too but other than thats its been a pretty good week. I have been hyper a couple of days the week and thats not good but i was in a good mood all week :) This Saturday we have a choir concert and it will be cold but should be fun. Next week will be pretty busy to-wednesday practice,thursday concert, and friday i have to decide if i want to go sing at all the nursing homes or go to the morge. we are going to the morge next semester once but if i dont go i have to write a three page essay. We only have three choir concert this Christmas so i really want to go to that too. :( I really want to go to both so I need to decide that but i should be a busy and fun week. Well everyone take care and be safe.
oh waitQ I get to tell you about my trip to physical therapy thursday (for my nursing class). This may make some of you feel bad but thats not my intention so i am sorry if it does. We went there and i had alot of fun. It really made me feel bad for the people that are in pain and have to go through it but it is really better to have pain than lose total function even though it may not seem that way. A really nice doctor was telling us about all the equipment and stuff they do. He was really nice and i learned alot. He demonstrated some of the machines and let us practice. There was one where you had to balance on a fairly large surface that moved-i was kinda wobbly holding onto the rail and very wobbly when i let go. Then we did a let exercise that worked your hamstrings and quads. it was really easy to me but i suppose if you were in pain while you did it it would be very painful. Then we did a lift that helps with your shoulders-that too i thought was fun but could see the pain if you injured your shoulder. Then we went on an extremly small ball like thing with one foot and no hands-i almost fell on my face *sigh* i think i need to work on my balance. i cant even balance on one foot without holding onto something. But it was still fun. Last we learned and practice using crutches-i thought that was really fun. Well, take care everyone and stay safe

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

*throws confetti* I have finished my project! *is jumping up and down* and only four more weeks until Christmas break and then no more animal science! I did have a great break! I took Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off then work all today, tuesday and saturday. So how was your guys Thanksgiving? Mine was really good *feels fat* its too cold here to exercise :) *still feeling good but knows i will regret it later*
*hugs everyone* Take care *dances off to go find something fun to do* *candy for all-throws in air* OK BYE!1

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thank guys I needed that *hugs* I am really sorry, I dont usually get like that- i just hit the panic button since I cant believe high school is almost over. I will relax *takes deep breath* I am concerned about getting into college- i have to be somewhat otherwise i will just give up on my work such as my project because i dont want to do it. I need to push myself and set higher standards so that i am successful. I can be a very lazy person and need to prevent that from ocming out all the time. I am not a prep just very nerdy and work hard. I hope i did not sound crazy in this post or the last :)

Anyways! I hope everyone has A Happy Thanksgiving! Here is a little quiz i stole (i mean borrowed) from Yensid's site.

You Are Pumpkin Pie

Even when people are full - they make room for you.
Good or bad, your smell is most likely to arouse a man.

i dont quite agree with the arousing a man part... *hides*

If you guys arent tired yet, here's a few things I am thankful for:
1. A great family that supports me
2. A loving man who helps
3. A caring dad that cares
3. A sister who is always there
4. A sister to make me laugh
5. Otaku friends who share their lives
6. Otaku friends who give me hope
7. Otaku freinds who inspire me
8. Otaku friends who make me laugh
9. friends and family who have helped me through life amd all i will post for now, i love you guys

i got quiz happy, this is for all you drivers out there

You Failed Your Driver's Test

You only got 3/10 correct.
If you have a driver's license, it needs to be revoked!

i cant drive...

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

TOKIBBBRRRRRRIIII!!! *curls up in little ball* I feel so stressed out right now. I found out that my project is due two weeks earlier than i originally thought. Now i am going to have to spend my whole Thanksgiving holiday working on it! :( I am having problens keeping my grades up because my hardest class-english and the class i am trying to get above a 95 in- my nursing class are on the same day and keep having tests on the same day! I take for ever to study so by the time i am done thouroughly studying for one i dont have time to study for the other. They both have very hard tests that require lots and lots of studying :( :( :( My GPA is slowly going downhill I really need to stay in the top 10% otherwise i will never get into college because i do no anything such as extracariculon, job and volunteer stuff

Ok *determined to leave on happy note* Last weekend i slept until past noon every day and did absolutely no homework. I was in a great mood and reguvinized until Wednesday :) Friday I went to the recovery room...it was very sad. Wait! I said happy note, sorry! I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

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Thursday, November 9, 2006

Sorry I have not been here in a long time. I have been swarmed with projects for school- dont think you want to hear about that though. Tommorrow is a holiday so today I had time to post. In my government class we had a mock election, and I ran for vice president. We had to give a speech and everything and do a tv which she video taped *shivers* but it was kinda fun. We vote next week. What else, nothing interesting- just busy. I have finished all my projects except for animal science- I have done 17/35... but i am going to take this weekend off and get some much needed rest. I do hope you feel better Yensid and I think I am going to have to stay on this site :( so I will go sign your gb either tonight or tomorrow.

To answer some of your questions:
I am sorry you get run over. Yes I did have fun at the concerts :) We are currently practicing our Christmas music and have done a fundraiser selling pointsettas to go to competition in March? Sorry...getting off topic. Um, I did not change emails so I dont know why it wont send me my passward. I dont think they should have the log out button right underneath the backroom cause thats what happened. I clicked logout instead of backroom...I got a different email address so I could get this account but still use my old other one

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Well it looks like I will be posting here for awhile- I will have go recruit people back. I will not give up on my other account for at least a couple months. So how is everyone?

Last Thurday, I had a joint choir concert (1st one of the year) with the intermediate and junior high schools. I think we did really good and I had fun after getting over the initial fright that my classmates would not freak out.

Last week, my nursing class was really fun. We went to the orthopedic (work with bones, joints, and ligaemnts) clinic and that is my favorite place so far. We got to put casts on each other and I wore mine until the end of the day. I was going to wear it until next friday but i remembersed i had a concert thursday and there was no way i could get into my dress with a cast. We took xrays and got to talk with alot of patients. I am really shy and was scared to death to ask them questions but i actaully did and some of them talked to me and told me what was up. It was very interesting.

Monday was a holiday :) Go Columbus!

This thursday, we had a joint choir concert with the other intermediate and junior high schools in our area. We had the Country Texas Barber shop quartet sing for us and that was pretty cool.

And finally to conclude this uber long message, today we went to the emergency room and that was fairly interesting although we did not get to see any emergencies.

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Friday, October 6, 2006

   This is midgetswords
Hi guys, as of right now I can not log into my midgetswords myOtaku account and when i ask for my password to be sent to my email, it says that they dont recognize that email *sigh* I will post this and hopefully will be able to get my other account up and running in the next few days or week, I really have alot I want to blab about :) Take care guys
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