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myOtaku.com: SwordPsycho

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The post of GREATNESS!!! vol. 2
Sorry its been so long since I've updated. Lotsa shit. So, without further ado, the second installment of...THE POST OF GREATNESS!!!

-Lordi- As you can tell by the renovation, I've become quite taken with this band. This Finland metal band looks like the love child of Slipknot, Classic horror movies, and your local fetish store. These dudes are badass!
-Jay and Silent Bob- Who else could wreck a game show (or at least attempt to), Have a comic and a movie made about them, help a descendent of Christ, and sell weed? Why, stoners from New Jersey, of course.
-Monster Energy- There has never been an energy drink that wound me up. I used to drink them because they tasted good. Then I found Monster. This shit got me so hyped, kids with A.D.D. looked at me funny. And all in 4 delicious flavors.
-Ozzy Osbourne- Just when we thought we were confined to our old Ozzy classics, We get our balls rocked off with the newest audio assualt, Black Rain. Kudos to Ozzy!
-Invader Zim- The genius of Jhonen Vasquez never ends, as shown in this wonderfully demented cartoon. I am forever changed by this animated masterpiece. The nearly poetic rants of the megalomaniacal Zim, as well as the delightfully random one-liners of GIR make me snicker. "But I neeeeed tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes."
-Final Destination Series- I had the opportunity to see all three films in a row this past weekend. No movie made me swear as vehemently as these did. Just when you think their clear, a bloodbath insues. And the genius shines in the spontaniety of these deaths. "Drop fucking dead" then BASH! A bus, a fucking bus, comes out of nowhere, leveling this chick, and spazzing my sphincter.
-The Boogeyman- I watch wrestling with my dad. And this wrestler breaks the stereotype. Not only does this dude beat 7 different kinds of ass, this fucker freaks everyone out by eating live fucking worms, and feeding them to his hapless opponents, grossing out everyone, and making me laugh hysterically.

There you have it, more genius with which your lives gain value, Have Fun!

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